University of South Alabama Healthcare Organizational Analysis Paper

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University of South Alabama


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GUIDELINES FOR ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT 5-6 pages in length, excluding title page & reference list. Use 9 headings listed in Rubric to separate content. Discuss every bullet under each heading. References must be in APA format timely; published within the previous five (5) years. Use Emory Healthcare in Atlanta, GA as the topic. Using Collins’ work as a model and framework for advanced organizational analysis (and other references as needed), analyze a system, organization, organization systems and/or subsystems. Consider each of the concepts proposed by Collins’ breaking down the organizations’ strategic plan, financial management, organizational structure, leadership, organizational culture, performance outcomes, etc. Collins’ work is a good foundational text, along with Fifth Discipline (Senge, 1990) and other related writers and models. When analyzing an organizational system, along with Collins’ work, consider chaos theory and complexity science (Wheatley, Porter-O-Grady), learning organizations (Senge), change and innovation (Gladwell, Rogers, Quinn). If you have not found these references in the required or recommended course readings, google the names of these authors and learn more about their contributions to understanding organizational behavior and leading complex systems. Such references may be useful in arriving at a greater level of understanding of organizations necessary to truly transform our current health care systems. As part of this analysis, consider interviewing members of the staff, board members, organizational historians, key administrative personnel (CFO, CEO, CNE, etc.). If you are not familiar with the organization/system, it will be essential that you talk to members of the organization who can help you develop a rich understanding of the leadership, culture, and decisionmaking patterns. Consider what is written about the organization and its system in the local paper, regional documents, trade journals, etc. These qualitative methods, along with review of clinical, financial and other evaluation measures (quantitative measures), will provide a more holistic perspective of an organizational systems’ performance. Module 2: Organizational Analysis Paper Module 2: Organizational Analysis Paper Criteria Ratings Pts Introduction Introduction paragraph (one paragraph). There must be a thesis statement at the end of the paragraph that tells the reader the purpose of paper and what will be discussed. 0.5 to >0.2 pts Met Criteria The information fully addresses the required elements, and demonstrates understanding of the material. There is a clearly stated thesis statement. 0.2 to >0.0 pts Did not meet criteria The information did not provide an introduction to the paper. Fails to include a thesis statement. 0.0 pts Missing Student did not address 0.5 pts Module 2: Organizational Analysis Paper Criteria Ratings Pts Complex Adaptive Systems Establish healthcare organizations in the 21st century as complex adaptive systems (Wheatley, Plesk & Greenhalgh, Deming). Discuss the challenges of transformation of complex systems. 2.0 to >1.0 pts Met or Exceeds Criteria A complex adaptive system is described and the definition is applied to healthcare organizations. There is a discussion of the challenges of transformation of complex systems as it relates to leadership. Content is supported with at least one (1) current peerreviewed reference. 1.0 to >0.5 pts Met Minimum Criteria A complex adaptive system is described and the definition is applied to healthcare organizations. There is a limited discussion of the challenges of transformation of complex systems as it relates to leadership. Content is supported with at least one (1) current peerreviewed reference. 0.5 to >0.0 pts Did not meet criteria A complex adaptive system is described and the definition is applied to healthcare organizations. There is an absence of a clear understanding of the challenges of transformation of complex systems as it relates to leadership. Content is supported with at least one (1) current peer- reviewed reference. 0.0 pts Missing Student did not address. 2.0 pts Module 2: Organizational Analysis Paper Criteria Establish the organization Identify an organization, system or subsystem within a larger system. You may want to use the system in which you have been working or one where you anticipate working. • Give an overall description to include aspects such as the mission, philosophy, values, overall goals, structure, resources, etc.). • Discuss whether your organization’s mission and values are alive and well? • In terms of an employer and healthcare Ratings 2.0 to >1.0 pts Met or Exceeds Criteria The organization is clearly described including key aspects such as the mission, philosophy, values, structure, goals. and/or resources. There is a clear description of how the mission and values are present in the organization and how the organization is viewed by the community. 1.0 to >0.5 pts Met Minimum Criteria The organization is limited description of the key aspects such as the mission, philosophy, values, structure, goals. and/or resources. There is a partial description of how the mission and values are present in the organization and how the organization is viewed by the community. Pts 0.5 to >0.0 pts Did not meet criteria There is a limited description of the key aspects of the organization such as the mission, philosophy, values, structure, goals. and/or resources. There is an absence or limited discussion of how the mission and values are present in the organization and how the organization is viewed by the community. 0.0 pts Missing Student did not address. 2.0 pts Module 2: Organizational Analysis Paper Criteria provider, how is your organization viewed by the community? Ratings Pts Culture of the Organization Culture of the organization: • Describe the organization’s culture using Schein’s definition of culture: Describe the artifacts, espoused values and assumptions. • Describe the organization’s climate (dynamic, supportive, innovative, bold, stagnant, caring, etc.) and employees’ attitudes, fears, and behavior (engagement, commitment, resistance to change, etc.). Learning Organization: • Describe the organization’s culture for learning (Senge, Deming). How does the organization learn? Support 3.0 to >2.0 pts Met or Exceeds Criteria The organization's culture is described using Schein’s definition of culture. There is a minimum of one sentence describing the artifacts, espoused values and assumptions. The organization’s climate (dynamic, supportive, innovative, bold, stagnant, caring, etc.) and employees’ attitudes, fears, and behavior (engagement, commitment, resistance to change, etc.) are described. How the organization is or is not a learning organization is described and supported with examples. 2.0 to >1.0 pts Met Minimum Criteria The organization's culture is described using Schein’s definition of culture. There is an absence of a discussion of the artifacts, espoused values and assumptions or the organization’s climate (dynamic, supportive, innovative, bold, stagnant, caring, etc.) and employees’ attitudes, fears, and behavior (engagement, commitment, resistance to change, etc.) are described. How the organization is or is not a learning organization is described and supported with examples. 1.0 to >0.0 pts Did not meet critera The organization's culture is partially described using Schein’s definition of culture. There is an absence of other required elements of the discussion of organizational culture or a learning organization. 0.0 pts Missing Student did not address. 3.0 pts discussion with examples. Module 2: Organizational Analysis Paper Criteria Leadership Style Discuss the predominant leadership style (transformational, autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, transactional) for the organization (Kaiser). Support your leadership assessment with examples. Polarity Theory Briefly describe and apply the Polarity Thinking Model to your organization. Are the polarities in balance for the organization? Discuss one specific polarity related to healthcare for your organization and give examples of how it is in or out of balance. Ratings 1.0 to >0.5 pts Met or Exceeds Criteria The predominant leadership style (transformational, autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, transactional) for the organization (Kaiser) is clearly identified with examples. Pts 0.5 to >0.0 pts Did not Meet Criteria The predominant leadership style (transformational, autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, transactional) for the organization (Kaiser) is clearly identified however examples are not provided. 0.0 pts Missing Student did not address. 1.0 pts 3.0 to >2.0 pts Met or Exceeds Criteria The Polarity Thinking Model is described and applied to the organization. There is a discussion of a specific polarity related to healthcare for the organization with examples of balance or the lack of balance. 2.0 to >1.0 pts Met Minimum Criteria The Polarity Thinking Model is described and applied to the organization. There is a limited discussion of a specific polarity related to healthcare for the organization. 1.0 to >0.0 pts Did not Meet Criteria The Polarity Thinking Model is described and applied to the organization. There is no discussion of a specific polarity related to healthcare for the organization or the absence of a clear understanding of the Polarity Thinking Model. 0.0 pts Missing Student did not address. 3.0 pts Module 2: Organizational Analysis Paper Criteria Ratings Pts Collins' Theory Apply Collins’ research findings and conclusions to your organization, agency, system, etc (Collins). • Note the “level of greatness” of organizational leadership? • Are the right people on the bus? • Does your company face the “brutal facts”? • How has the organization applied the Hedgehog Concept? • Apply the “Flywheel Concept” to your organization’s Level of Greatness. Include examples 3.0 to >2.0 pts Met or Exceeds Criteria Collins’ research findings are applied to the discussion of the organization including the “level of greatness” of organizational leadership, the people, how brutal facts are considered, how the Hedgehog concept is applied, how the flywheel concept is evident. Examples to support the assessment are described. 2.0 to >1.0 pts Met Minimum Critera Collins’ research findings are partially applied to the discussion of the organization. Some of the areas discussed include the “level of greatness” of organizational leadership, the people, how brutal facts are considered, how the Hedgehog concept is applied, how the flywheel concept is evident. Examples to support the assessment are described. 1.0 to >0.0 pts Did not Meet Criteria Collins’research findings are partially applied to the discussion of the organization. Some of the areas discussed include the “level of greatness” of organizational leadership, the people, how brutal facts are considered, how the Hedgehog concept is applied, how the flywheel concept is evident. Examples are not provided to support the assessment are described. 0.0 pts Missing Student did not address. 3.0 pts Module 2: Organizational Analysis Paper Criteria or evidence to support your organizational assessment findings. Ratings Pts Module 2: Organizational Analysis Paper Criteria Ratings Pts Disruptive Innovation Define disruptive innovation and describe an example of how the organization does or does not embrace disruptive innovation. What disruptive innovation might you consider in your future role as an Nurse Practitioner? 3.0 to >2.0 pts Met or Exceeds Minimum Criteria Disruptive innovation is defined. How the organization does or does not embrace disruptive innovation is described with an example. How disruptive innovation will be applied in a future role is described. 2.0 to >1.0 pts Met Minimum Critera Disruptive innovation is partially defined. How the organization does or does not embrace disruptive innovation is not correctly identified. How disruptive innovation will be applied in a future role is described. 1.0 to >0.0 pts Did not Meet Minimum Criteria Disruptive innovation is partially defined. How the organization does or does not embrace disruptive innovation is not correctly identified. How disruptive innovation will be applied in a future role is not described. 0.0 pts Missing Student did not address. 3.0 pts Conclusion Conclusions: Summarize the essential points of paper (one paragraph). 0.5 to >0.2 pts Met or Exceeds Minimum Criteria The conclusion summarizes essential points of the paper in a single paragraph. 0.2 to >0.0 pts Did not Meet Minimum Criteria The conclusion is present but fails to summarize essential points of the paper in a single paragraph. 0.0 pts Missing Student did not address. 0.5 pts Organizational Culture and Readiness for Change Organizational culture (OC), the backdrop for change, is the sum total of an organization’s beliefs, norms, values, mission, philosophy, traditions, and sacred cows. It is a social system that is literally a subsystem of the total organization. The OC consists of artifacts, perspectives, values, assumptions, symbols, language, and behaviors that have been effective over time and support the “way we do things around here.” OC includes communication networks, both formal and informal. The communication networks include a status/role structure that relates to characteristics of employees and customers or clients. Such structures also relate to management styles, whether authoritative or participatory. Organizational culture evolves over time and runs deep. The importance of understanding situational or environmental context cannot be underestimated when attempting change. There are multiple readings in your required readings that will broaden your understand of organizational culture. Many of the articles in this section relate to organizational culture. Read extensively... enrich your knowledge... knowledge is power! When considering a transformational change, the organization’s culture can provide context for the change (Roussel, 2013). Understanding one’s practice environment is essential to determining readiness for change. As you study an organization, ask yourself if the organization is ready for change? If yes, why? If no, why not? If an organization is not ready, do you abort the change collaborative or do you persist? If you choose to persist, what obstacles do you anticipate? How will you surmount the barriers? These important questions must be considered during the planning stage of change. Newhouse (2010) offers insight into several tools that have been used to assess an organization’s readiness for change. Study the key elements of these tools to gain knowledge of the elements of an organizational assessment. Disruptive Innovation What about disruptive innovation and the impact on change? Why do some successful companies survive and others fail?This short video introduces the concept of disruptive innovation. As you watch about it, consider what it means to healthcare. What are we seeing in healthcare that would be examples of Disruptive Innovation? Is your organization a disruptive innovator? Watch Video on Disruptive Innovation- Copy/Paste link into browser Learning Organizations High Reliability Organizations (HRO) are learning organizations as the leadership is these organizations is willing to take risks and is open to learning from mistakes. Senge (1990) describe learning organizations as "organizations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning how to learn together "( p.3). Employee reporting of near misses and medical errors is typically higher in a learning organization, as learning organizations place focus for errors on systems and human error more than on individual blame. A learning organization investigates processes to find opportunities for improvement and looks for ways to put safeguards (i.e. barcoding, time outs, checklists) in place to prevent future errors. The author likens the learning disciplines to leadership disciplines. Those who excel in these areas are the natural leaders of learning organizations. High reliability organizations (HRO) are safety oriented focusing on system improvement rather than individual improvement. Processes are dependable, meaning one sees the same outcomes with limited variability. An example of minimal variability would be when patients' wait times are 10 minutes on the average with a range between 5-15 minutes. References: Kurpuis, D. (Fall, 1993). The fifth discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization (Book Review). Consulting Psychology Journal, 31-32. Senge’s Learning Organizations- Copy/Paste link into browser Polarity Thinking- Copy/Paste link into browser
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Organizational Analysis
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Organizational Analysis

Healthcare organization offer a wide range of healthcare services that strive to promote
the quality of their clients’ health, prevent, and treat diseases. The 21st century has been
characterized by changes in the healthcare field through advances in technology and improved
caregiving practices that rely on evidence-based practices. Quality healthcare delivery is based
on the utilization of effective leadership styles, understanding of the organization, promotion of a
positive organizational culture, effective application of concepts like polarity theory, Collin’s
framework, and weighing the benefits and risks of disruptive innovations.
Complex Adaptive Systems
A complex adaptive system (CAS) or complexity science is based on the view of things
or people within an organization based on their interconnection as opposed to their
individualized functions. Healthcare organizations can be viewed as complex adaptive systems
because of the interconnections and interactions between different healthcare practitioners and
approaches used in managing different conditions (Hoogeboom & Wilderom, 2019). Healthcare
concepts like diseases, treatment procedures, and documentation approaches can be described as
CAS based on the way clinicians handle uncertainties, regulate treatment methods based on
different diagnoses, and the approaches healthcare practitioners use to determine priorities for
managing patients with comorbid conditions (Pype, Mertens, Helewaut, & Krystallidou, 2018).
The complexities of the interaction of different factors in a healthcare organization make it a



Complex systems face challenges relating to transformations needed to be applied in their
systems because of factors such as their leadership. Leaders who do not support changes in their
organizations would be unable to correct or improve the problems affecting their organizations.
CAS stems from the interactions between individuals working together in an organization. As
such, lack of cooperation between the leaders and the rest of the members of the organization is
likely to affect the performance of the system as complex systems cannot work effectively
without collaboration (Hoogeboom & Wilderom, 2019). Leadership-based challenges can also
stem from the character traits of the leader and the effectiveness of their leadership techniques.
Emory Healthcare (EHC) comprises of eleven hospitals and offers its servicers to the
individual living within and near the Georgia state through a joint venture with other components
of the Emory Healthcare System like the Emory Specialty Associates and Emory Clinic. The
Emory University Hospital, which is part of the Emory Healthcare system caters to large
numbers of inpatient and outpatient clients and has approximately 1,523 staff working in the
facility. The mission of EHC is to ...

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