NSG 516 UP Wk 6 Preventing DVT and The Best Practices in Healthcare Discussion

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Health Medical

NSG 516

University of Phoenix



NSG/516ED: Practicum I

Wk 6 - Reflection

Assignment Content

  1. Construct a carefully crafted 700-word reflection on the development process leading up to your final project proposal. As you reflect, consider the following questions:· What are three of the top challenges you faced as you developed your practicum project proposal? · What was your most significant takeaway from the needs assessment/gap analysis? · What is the value in identifying clinical or practice experts to help achieve your learning objectives?· What are two to three challenges you foresee in implementing your proposed project? What is your plan for overcoming these challenges? (Regulated state students should address these questions as if they were planning to implement.)· How has working on your practicum project proposal fueled your spirit of inquiry? · How have you applied reflection in development of your practicum project?· What is your strategy to negotiate your way into participating in your project proposal's implementation?· What are three things you have learned in this course that you will carry forward to your second practicum course?Format according to APA guidelines.Share your reflection with your mentor.Submit your Reflection paper

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Explanation & Answer


OUTLINE, Reflection on Proposal Writing

The process of compiling my projects’ proposal was full of lessons for me. Throughout

The instructor expected timely, neatly done, and detailed work, within particular timelines.
The nurse instinct in me grew the need to respond fast but accurately to solve healthcare
issues. I can attest that my time management capabilities were enhanced.

The challenges of writing the project practicum are not only limited to time but also to
the scarcity of research data. Research on Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) has not been
extensively done, and this has led to a research data gap.

Throughout the project proposal writing ad implementation, it is important to have
experts in the field assisting in the search for information and professional insight. In the
implementation of this project is expected to counter challenges in finances and schedule

My negotiation strategy to be involved in the project's implementation is based on my
involvement in the preparation of the implementation plan. I have the pertinent
information in regard to the project...

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