HUMN 8237 Walden Logic Models for Program Design Implementation & Evaluation Discussion

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HUMN 8237

Walden University



To Prepare:

Explore at least 10 logic models published on the Internet. In keeping with the visual nature of the logic model, you should begin your search with a search engine such as Google or Bing to locate images of logic models.

Use the Shakman and Rodriguez (2015) resource to help evaluate the 10 logic models for utility. (You should be able to do this even if you are looking at models outside your discipline, but if that is not productive, you are welcome to concentrate on models in your own field.)

Select the best and the worst of your sample, based on your evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of each, to use in your Discussion post.

Post the image files (uploaded as jpegs or gifs, ensure you cite the images) or hyperlinks to 2–4 logic models. These should represent the best and worst of the logic models you discovered in your research. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of each. Your conclusions may be about the content of the logic model (especially if you are in the same field and have professional opinions about the content) or about the presentation of the logic model. Ensure you properly cite each image.

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Background on Discussion Post Logic models, sometimes known as program frameworks, theories of change, or other names, are roadmaps that demonstrate the path from investments (whether in time, money, people, or other resources) to results. Just like a theory that distills complex phenomena into a concise explanation, a logic model provides a concise visual for a program’s processes and outcomes. Generally, logic models consist of at least four basic parts: inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes. • • • • • • • Inputs are the investments that are applied to the program. These may include the equipment that an organization has, its staff or volunteers, money, partners, and even research pertinent to the field. Activities are all the actions that a program undertakes, such as direct service provision, materials development, trainings, or meetings. Outputs include anything that is produced as a result of the activities that a program does. For instance, the number of people provided with a health service, the number of training sessions for a workforce development project, or even tangible items such as the number of pamphlets produced. Outcomes are the changes that take place as a result of the activities and outputs of a program. They may include awareness or knowledge passed to community members, people placed in jobs, positive health outcomes, or legislative changes, among many others. Some logic models organize these outcomes chronologically by whether they are short-, medium-, or long-term outcomes. Programs occur within situational contexts and thus assumptions or contextual parameters of the program initiative often are included in logic models. Logic models may also include a purpose statement or other guiding message. Although many are linear in design, they do not have to be, nor is there a formula for them. The structure of a logic model should match the logic of the change/organization and should include input from multiple sources. Only the stakeholders for a program can determine the best logic model design for their situation. Actual Assignment • Explore at least 10 logic models published on the Internet. In keeping with the visual nature of the logic model, you should begin your search with a search engine such as Google or Bing to locate images of logic models. • • Use the Shakman and Rodriguez (2015) resource to help evaluate the 10 logic models for utility. (You should be able to do this even if you are looking at models outside your discipline, but if that is not productive, you are welcome to concentrate on models in your own field.) • Select the best and the worst of your sample, based on your evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of each, to use in your Discussion post. Post the image files (uploaded as jpegs or gifs, ensure you cite the images) or hyperlinks to 2–4 logic models. These should represent the best and worst of the logic models you discovered in your research. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of each. Your conclusions may be about the content of the logic model (especially if you are in the same field and have professional opinions about the content) or about the presentation of the logic model. Ensure you properly cite each image. Resources if needed
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Explanation & Answer



Logic Model Discussion




In the development of solutions, there are specific elements that need to be effectively
identified to find a solution to the underlying problem. Logic models are crucial models that
aid in hypothesizing an existing situation with a clear consideration of possible solutions. The
graphical depiction of logic models allows an understanding of how the model is distributed.
Managers and leaders utilize logic models to assess and evaluate project efficacy and
sustainability. The relationship between different factors within the model presents a greater
context where it is easier to manage existing changes. Essential factors in project development
include inputs, outputs and outcomes.
The logic models that are assessed in this discussion include the logic theory model for
change and th...

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