Contract and Purchase Negotiations, business and finance homework help

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Business Finance


1.   "Rewards" Please respond to the following: John Doe, your subordinate, has been working been working long hours and meeting all of the deadlines on a high profile project for your company. Propose two (2) types of non-monetary rewards that you believe, as John’s boss, would both show your appreciation and motivate John to continue his high level of performance. Provide a rationale for your response.

2. "Power that Works" Please respond to the following:  Of the twelve (12) types of negotiating power described in the text, indicate two (2) that you believe you use (or should use) on a regular basis. Explain the key reasons why you believe these negotiating power approaches coincide with other strengths that you have. Provide a rationale for your response.

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Running Head: Contract and Purchase Negotiations

Contract and purchase negotiations
Institution Affiliation


Running Head: Contract and Purchase Negotiations

Two types of non-monetary rewards:
Recognition – everyone wants to be recognized for his or her good deeds. My boss can express
his appreciation by sending an email blast to me (K...

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