Your initial response to the discussion question should be 100-300 words.
In November 2016, Colorado overwhelmingly passed an aid-in-dying measure that will allow terminally ill patients to take their own lives with medication prescribed by physicians. California, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington already have similar laws. What is your view on the ethics of such laws? Try to apply ethical theories we have learned over previous weeks. Explain and defend your answers.
Consider the issue of ethical vegetarianism, in which a person refrains from eating the flesh of nonhuman animals for moral reasons. Explain how some following a virtue ethics approach might defend vegetarianism. What is your view on the matter? Explain and defend your answers.

Explanation & Answer

Running head: DISCUSSIONS
PHIL202 2 Discussion Questions
PHIL202 2 Discussion Questions
End of life situations can be challenging to terminally ill patients. These situations lead to
distressful emotions concerning pain management, family issues, and loss of control over the
quality of life. As a result, I believe an aid-in-dying measure is a good option toward the end of
life. As per the Utilitarian theory, it is morally appropriate to consider physician-assisted dying
since the decision is founded on the patient’s interests (Jordan, 2017). Secondly, this theory
excludes the opinions of the family members unless the patients requ...