HGMT 495 University of Maryland Planning and Quality Assurance Discussion

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Health Medical

HGMT 495

University of Maryland Global Campus



Planning and Quality AssuranceMust post first.

Read Healthcare Worker's Perceptions of an Organizational Quality Assurance Program Implemented in a Resource-limited Setting: a Qualitative Study.

Reflect on the document and share your perspective on the study importance, choice of measures and the conclusions made by the researchers. If you were a researcher conducting this study what would have yo done differently? Why and how? Do you agree with the concussions of the study? Why yes or no? Offer examples to support your opinion.

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Running Head: DISCUSSION 7


Discussion 7
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Discussion 7
Planning and Quality Assurance

The general importance of conducting the qualitative study on ‘Healthcare workers’
perceptions of an organizational quality assurance program implemented in a resource-limited
setting’ is quite valid (Henker et. al., 2018). Quality Assurance is a new concept in...

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