N4600 Information Management Assignment (This is a Turnitin assignment.)
Information Literacy and Information Management
Assignment Concept: Informatics, Evidence-based Practice
Unit Outcome(s):
- Discuss the fundamental Informatics concepts and how they apply in the nursing field.
- Review the importance of informatics in nursing workflow.
- Demonstrate effective literature search strategies to support evidence-based practice.
- Understand the use of personal reference management software and other electronic resources.
- Explain collaboration in the healthcare setting related to informatics.
Assignment Description:
In the past, most healthcare information was disseminated through hardbound books and journal articles. Today, there is a large amount of healthcare information that is available only through the Internet and online databases. Nurses must be familiar with the resources available on the Internet in order to stay current with evidence-based practice and to provide high quality and safe patient care. Patients have access to a large amount of information on the Internet. Nurses must be familiar with the information available in order to help patients determine what information is appropriate and accurate. In this assignment you will be exploring new knowledge about healthcare and information systems. You will also learn how to find evidence/knowledge for best practice.
Assignment Directions:
- Download the Information Management worksheet to your personal computer. Follow the directions on the worksheet to complete the individual sections. Information Management WorksheetACTIONS. This is a Turnitin assignment. The text from the worksheet will automatically register at about 35%.
- It will take you some time to complete this assignment. Remember if a link is not working you are learning how to access information and you can do an Internet search.
- Submit the worksheet using the “namingconvention”: 4600.lastnamefirstname.assignmentname
- For Sections 1 and 2, answers should be a minimum of 300 words for each section. Your analysis should relate to the course concepts and unit outcomes.
- Answers should be in your own words, no copying and pasting.
- Citations and references (in APA format) must be included where appropriate. Include a reference page on the last page of your submission. The use of direct quotes should only be used where the wording chosen by the author is crucial. Quotation marks and paragraph numbers are required when referencing direct quotes.
- Points are listed in each section. See rubric for additional information.
- For Section 1 questions: Refer to the “How to Video” and the example below.
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Explanation & Answer

NRSG 4600
Information Management Worksheet
Add your information in the boxes provided.
Section 1
Nurses must utilize multiple sources and a variety of technology to stay current with changes
in healthcare. There are multiple ways this is accomplished. You will be exploring many of
these options. Cite and reference your information. (20 points possible & 300 words minimum
for all of Section 1)
Actions Needed:
1. Review the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) Behavioral Risk Factor
Surveillance System (BRFSS) at
Please write a brief paragraph that
describes the history of BRFSS and
how it is utilized (2 points).
Student Response:
BFRSS was established in the year 1984 to facilitate the collection of state-level data (Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). The system includes the use of questionnaires to
collect reviews in stratified states. It consists of five topics that are significant issues of
concern in the country. They include tobacco use, hypertension, and dietary for physical
immobility, seat belt, and alcohol abuse. Maintaining data quality and enacting technological
changes in surveillance. CDC utilizes the data to observe and learn about the behavior in
society. Moreover, it helps them use the data to ensure the provision of quality services to the
people and ensuring quality of care.
2. Click on "About BRFSS." Review the Utah
information under the "State Information" tab on
the left. Click on "State-by-State Listing of How
Data Are Used," then "Utah." Review the
information under the "Prevalence Data & Data
Analysis Tools" tab on the left of the BRFSS home
Write a brief paragraph sharing two
ways Utah is utilizing the data
collected (2 points).
Student Response:
Utah utilizes the data to enhance health care delivery and understand emerging issues in the
sector (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). For instance, it collects data on
how emerging issues affect various health care practices and the health of the people. The data
is collected overtime to ensure that they record and understand the trends. Secondly, the state
identifies public health issues hence providing relevant information to the people. It achieves
these objectives by calling for dialogue for action. In this way, it issues surveys, collect
feedback, and gives out useful information. Further, prevalence results and data ensure that the
state can identify threatening health issues that affect people's welfare.
3. Choose the "Prevalence & Trends Data" section.
Complete the following (12 points):
Choose Utah in the "Explore BRFSS Data by
a. Create a simple spreadsheet
location," then choose "Go." Compare Utah data for
using spreadsheet software, like
one "class" topic and year to the data from two
Excel. (There are many tutorials
other states in the same year. For example, you
and videos on how to use
might review the data on Asthma in Utah and then
spreadsheet programs. Search
two other states. (See the video and Excel example
the internet for help if you need
in the assignment instructions for how this might
look. Do not choose the same class/topic used in the b. Input the data in your
video example.)
spreadsheet, name the columns think about the data you need,
and arrange the columns.
c. Average the data.
d. Create a graph of the data to
share with someone you are
educating about the topic
potentially. (See the example
e. Take a screenshot of your
spreadsheet and graph. Copy
and paste these items into the
Graph Example for #3:
Insert the Spreadsheet and Graph here:
4. Write a summary of your findings related to Utah and the other two states you chose.
Include your hypothesis about why the data might be similar or different. Address how you
might utilize this type of data to benefit from patient care using some examples from your
work areas or have worked within healthcare. (4 points)
Student Response:
The data on alcohol consumption reveals that Utah has the most prevalence in drinking and
abuse. Virginia has a prevalence of breast cancer and cancer-related issues, while Kentucky
has issues in chronic diseases. Maryland has significant measures in place to deal with rising
trends in diabetes. In almost all states, cancer and diabetes are significant threats with an
increase in prevalence. These are the emerging trends affecting people's health in the country,
hence the similarity in the data. Differences arise in different approaches to collection
techniques. For instance, Utah uses surveys and meetings to ensure they reach a wide range of
people and pass on information. Other states rely on questionnaires and reviews from the