SOCW6090 - 2 Discussion Questions (wk9)
Discussion 1: Evidence-Based Interventions Used in Trauma Individuals can experience trauma from public events at the national level or extremely private ones at the interpersonal level. In this Discussion, you analyze these two types of trauma, describing potential interventions and their effectiveness. To prepare: Read the DSM-5 section on trauma and stressor-related disorders and review the Learning Resources on PTSD, disaster response, and trauma. Then search the literature for studies related to an evidence-based intervention used to treat those suffering from trauma and stressor-related issues. Specifically, locate the following: One study on treating symptoms resulting from a national traumatic event (e.g., natural disaster, mass shooting, war)One study on treating symptoms resulting from an interpersonal trauma (e.g., rape, childhood sexual molestation, domestic violence) Due: 01/22/2019 (Please be very detailed in response, use APA references and use bulleted sub-headings) Post a response in which you address the following: Post the APA references for the two studies you located.Provide a brief description of the traumatic events, including a summary of how they affected the individuals involved.Describe the interventions discussed in the articles and explain how they addressed the psychosocial issues and needs of the individuals affected by the trauma.Explain the effectiveness of the interventions, as stated in the articles.Analyze and discuss the similarities and differences in the individuals’ needs depending on whether the issues occurred due to a national traumatic event or an interpersonal trauma. ************************************************************************************* Discussion 2: Trauma and Comorbidity Veterans returning from a conflict zone may use recreational substances to moderate strain. The process of returning home can easily add to the strain the veteran is already experiencing from exposure to war trauma. In this Discussion, you diagnose and plan treatment for a veteran. To prepare: Review the Learning Resources on trauma treatment for veterans, and conduct research in the Walden Library for additional resources on the topic. Then read “The Case of Jake Levy.” In Jake’s case, the social worker has made several errors that delay Jake’s ability to get substantial help for some time and actually endanger his reaching a positive outcome. Due: 01/22/2019 Post a 3- to 5-minute recorded video response in which you address the following: (I will do video) Please be detailed in your response, Use 3 APA references and use bullet points in response) Provide the full DSM-5 diagnosis for Jake. Remember, a full diagnosis should include the name of the disorder, ICD-10-CM code, specifiers, severity, and the Z codes (other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention).Identify any errors made by Jake's social worker when establishing his treatment, and explain how these may have negatively influenced his treatment.Identify the first area of focus you would address as Jake’s social worker, and explain your specific treatment recommendations. Support your recommendations with research.Explain how you would manage Jake’s diverse needs, including his co-occurring disorders.Describe a treatment plan for Jake, including how you would evaluation his treatment. References American Psychiatric Association. (2013r). Trauma- and stressor-related disorders. In Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: Author. doi:10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.dsm07 American Psychiatric Association. (2013f). Dissociative disorders. In Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: Author. doi:10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.dsm08 Chivers-Wilson K. A. (2006). Sexual assault and posttraumatic stress disorder: a review of the biological, psychological and sociological factors and treatments. McGill journal of medicine : MJM : an international forum for the advancement of medical sciences by students, 9(2), 111-8. Laureate Education (Producer). (2014). Sessions: Levy family, episode 1 [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author. Schnyder, U., Ehlers, A., Elbert, T., Foa, E. B., Gersons, B. P. R., Resick, P. A., … Cloitre, M. (2015). Psychotherapies for PTSD: What do they have in common? European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 6(1), 281–286. doi:10.3402/ejpt.v6.28186 Smith, J. C., Hyman, S. M., Andres-Hyman, R. C., Ruiz, J. J., & Davidson, L. (2016). Applying recovery principles to the treatment of trauma. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 47(5), 347–355. doi:10.1037/pro0000105 van der Kolk, B., & Najavits, L. M. (2013). Interview: What is PTSD really? Surprises, twists of history, and the politics of diagnosis and treatment. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 69(5), 516–522. doi:10.1002/jclp.21992