Joe Del Rocco
CSCI 141
Professor of Practice, Computer Science
jdelrocco [at] stetson [dot] edu
Stetson University
421 N Woodland Blvd, DeLand, FL, 32723
(all sections)
Fall 2020
Assignment 4
Due: Monday 10/12/2020 11:59pm
(a) . .
(b) . .
(c) . .
(d) . .
(e) . .
(f) . .
(g) . .
Example Output
Joe Del Rocco
CSCI 141: Assignment 4
This program is meant to be your first basic Object-Oriented Program (OOP). You will write 2 of your
own classes, each of which represent a 2D shape and inherit some methods from a base class. You will
then tie the program together with a Main class which has been partially written and provided to you.
See the Example Output for examples of program runs.
Here is the link to the GitHub Classroom assignment:
First you will have to create your own project and add the provided source files to your project. We have
not provided any project files in this assignment. You must create your own project. However, you must
keep all source files in the folder called src which is one directory in from the root of your repository
(i.e. YourRepo/src). Also, do not commit multiple copies of the same name file to your repository. All
of this is important for grading purposes. See the Submission instructions.
Next, take a good look at the 2 files that have been provided already, and The
Main class has some comments that will guide you through coding that file. The Shape class will serve as
a base class for the 2 new classes you will create, Rectangle and Circle. Do not make any changes
to the file In, notice that an array of Shape objects has already been provided,
so you do not need to change that either. However, Shape itself is an abstract class (meaning we cannot
make instance objects of it). This should be an indication to you that you will need to create your own
classes that extend (inherit from) Shape and then you will make instance objects of those classes and
put them into the Shape array provided. For example, when you create a class called Rectangle that
extends Shape, then you can make instance objects of type Rectangle and put them in the Shape array
because objects of type Rectangle are also of type Shape. As you’ve learned in lecture and in the book,
this is called polymorphism.
Start by creating your Rectangle class in its own file, It should inherit from Shape.
It should contain 4 private member variables, all of type double, representing: the top-left coordinate
x value, the top-left coordinate y value, the width of the rectangle, and the height of the rectangle. It
should also have a single constructor that takes 4 parameters of type double that should be assigned to
the appropriate private member variables. If the width or the height passed in to the constructor is less
than 1, then make it 1, because users of this class shouldn’t be able to create Rectangle objects with a
width or height of less than 1. By doing this, you are encapsulating the private member variables and
protecting their values. Though we have also learned about accessor and mutator methods when talking
about encapsulation, you don’t actually need to provide any in this class (unless you want to). However,
you must override the methods area() and perimeter() so that they compute and return the proper
computation per shape object. By overriding these base class methods from Shape in the child class
Rectangle, you ensure that objects of this child class provide specific functionality per type, another
example of polymorphism. See Shape for the method signatures. Finally, override the toString()
method so it returns a String that describes the Rectangle, such as the word “Rectangle” plus the
values of the top-left coordinate and the width and height. If you do not override toString(), then
when you print a Rectangle object from Main, the output will not look like what you expect.
Next, create your Circle class in the same fashion.
Program continued on next page. . .
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Joe Del Rocco
CSCI 141: Assignment 4
Program (continued)
Once the classes Rectangle and Circle are defined properly, you can work on Main. Complete the
fillShapes() method and call it from main() passing the array of shapes already created. This method
should fill in the array that was passed to it. By fill in, we mean, if the specified they wanted 3 shapes
(code already provided in main()), then you need to actually create 3 object instances and put them in
the array at indices 0, 1, and 2. Since the fillShapes() method is technically a procedure, you will fill
the array in the method, not in main(). Iterate through the array parameter passed into the method,
and for each index of the array, ask the user if it should be a Circle or not. If so, ask them for the
x, y and radius, and then create a Circle object and assign it into the array at the current index. If
not, then do the same but with a Rectangle object. See the Example Output for an example of the
(f )
Next, complete the printShapes() method and call it from main() passing the array of shapes. This
method simply iterates through the array passed in and prints out each index followed by the Shape
object itself. If you have overridden the toString() method for each class properly, then the objects
should print out as you expect.
Now finish the rest of the code in Main. Call the menu() method already provided (once). Then complete
the code in the while loop. Each loop iteration, ask the user their menu selection, read in their choice,
and handle it appropriately. If they indicate to EXIT, then break out of the loop. Otherwise ask the
user which shape they are interested in, and read in the index as they specify. The user’s input here is
an integer representing the index of the shape they are interested in. Use a switch statement to handle
the remaining choices, Area or Perimeter, each of which should call the area() or perimeter() methods
of the shape at the specified index, respectively, and print out the result.
You will commit and push your changes to your specific GitHub Classroom repository for this assignment.
Although you are encouraged to use an IDE for development, we will compile and run your program using
the shell/terminal during grading, so it isn’t a bad idea to test it in that environment. Please follow the
directions in this assignment, make the requested code changes, and commit and push your changes any
time before the due date. Keep all source files in the folder called src which is one directory in
from the root of your repository (e.g. YourRepo/src). If you need help getting that working with
your IDE, please ask. Do not commit multiple copies of source files to your repository, and
do not move them to another location. All of this is important for grading purposes. Failure to
follow these directions will result in a loss of points. Your final program should execute similar
to the runs shown in the Example Output.
Following submission instructions
General attempt at solving the problem
Program compiles and runs
Properly created Rectangle and Circle classes
Properly created and called fillShapes and printShapes methods
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Joe Del Rocco
CSCI 141: Assignment 4
Example Output
Here is an example of providing the following shapes located at the coordinates in this diagram. Notice
that you cannot specify a negative radius for a Circle shape.
Example Output continued on next page. . .
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Joe Del Rocco
CSCI 141: Assignment 4
Example Output (continued)
Another example of a run:
Example Output continued on next page. . .
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Joe Del Rocco
CSCI 141: Assignment 4
Example Output (continued)
Another example of a run:
continued below...
Example Output continued on next page. . .
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CSCI 141: Assignment 4
Example Output (continued)
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