1. From Remediation Technologies presentation: Discuss source remedies and common contaminants. You may have to do additional research.
2. From Remediation Technologies presentation: Explain the purpose of the Remediation Technologies Matrix. Summarize data requirements for soil sampling. Use the additional links provided in the lecture notes.
3.From Remediation Technologies presentation: Select one group of environmental contaminants. Provide detailed explanation of remediation technologies and remediation requirements.
4. Peer review. Comment to at least one classmate's post. With professional courtesy, provide additional analysis, constructive criticism, and additional facts and solutions. I want to see a paragraph of 50 words or more. (Note the word counter in the lower right corner of your posting window).
Explanation & Answer
Hi, your assignment is now completely done ;)
1. From Remediation Technologies presentation: Discuss source remedies and common
contaminants. You may have to do additional research.
Based on the presentation of Remediation Technologies, the source remedies and common
contaminants are shown below:
Gas to liquid : one solution to tackle emissions from diesel vehicles is to switch to
alternative fuels, whilst electricity LPG offers completely separate fuel system there are
also other options which offers potential to clean up existing diesel. Shell has developed
new synthetic gas to liquid (GTL) fuel derived from Natural gas. This could reduce
emission of NOx by 5-37% (Barnes & McWhorter, 2000).
There are many other technologies & policies of purification & reducing emissions.
In chemical production or other process there may one or more methods are available but as
economy of reaction considered industries prefers Economically viable process....