Winona State University Baden Powell Service Association Process Recording Paper

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Winona State University




Arrange to observe a group.The group can be a psycho-educational group, support group, work group, staff meeting, task force or training group.

Observed the group interactions and focus on group dynamics according to what you’ve learned in social work practice with groups class.You should use the textbook for this class as a reference when discussing any group dynamics you observe.

Complete the following areas, using headings in “bold” and address each sub-heading separately.Do not LUMP subheading responses together.

Use of APA format (with citations and a reference page) are required where appropriate.

Assignment Components

A. Information about the Group

Group Name:

Group Type:

Date of Group:

Group Members Present:

B.Purpose of the Group/Meeting

  • Write a brief statement on the overall purpose of the group
    • This statement is include only in the first process recording, or it there is an agreed upon change in the group's overall purpose.
  • Write a concise statement about the goals of the meeting of the group being


a.How were these goals perceived by the group? (observation and inquiry)

b.How did you perceive these goals?

c.What are the similarities or differences between the group's perception of these goals and yours?

C.Group Process at the Meeting

1.Initial Observations

a.Describe briefly, in general terms, the physical and emotional climate at the beginning of the group meeting.

b.Describe briefly your initial impressions of the attitudes of the group members at the beginning of the meeting.

c.Describe any significant changes in the appearance or feelings or attitudes of the group members since the last meeting.

2.Group Member Interaction - Group Process

a.Describe what went on within the group during its meeting.For example:

-Describe the means of interaction, e.g., program activity, discussion, debate, tasks, etc.

-Describe the feeling reactions of the members to this interaction.

-Describe your feeling reactions to this interaction.

b.Describe the effectiveness, vitality, and responsibility of the group's members during the


c.Describe your role in the group's interaction.

d.Describe the ways the group moved toward attainment of its goals.

e.Describe how the group's members dealt with obstacles to attainment of the meeting's goals.

D.Analysis of the Group Meeting

  • Describe your understanding of the nature of interaction of the group members, including yourself at this group meeting.

2.On the basis of your analysis, what is your current assessment of:

a.The stage of the group's development,

b.The commitment of the group members to the group's purpose,

c.The climate and tone of the group,

d.If relevant, discuss specific roles played by individual group members and how they impact the group process.

E.Plan for the Group's Next Meeting

1.Write a brief statement of the plan for the next meeting of the group.

a. Explain how the members of the group, including you, arrived at this


b. Explain how the plan relates to the purpose of the group.

2.Describe what you and the other group members are to do prior to, and in preparation for, the next group meeting.

F.Analysis of Social Work Practice Skills

  • Discuss the use of social work practice knowledge and skills

During the group meeting.Use social work group terminology to explain. (This should be a narrative paragraph).

  • What specific social work skills and/or techniques learned in your
  • What are the strengths and areas of needed growth you observed (or feel you need) during the group meeting?

practice courses were used during the group meeting?

G.Summative Statement

Summarize the meeting and the outcomes in a short summary to close this assignment

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Explanation & Answer




Process Recording Assignment
Institutional Affiliation



A. Information about the Group
Group Name: Baden-Powell Service Association (United States)
Group Type: Scouting organization
Date of Group: October 6, 2020
Group Members Present: Chairperson, assistant chairperson, secretary, and thirteen members.
B. Purpose of the Group/Meeting

Write a brief statement on the overall purpose of the group
o This statement is include only in the first process recording, or it there is an
agreed upon change in the group's overall purpose.

Baden-Powell Service Association aims to develop good citizenship through woodcraft and
scout craft training by following the methods and aims developed by the Robert BadenPowell Scouting program

Write a concise statement about the goals of the meeting of the group being recorded.

BPSA goals of the meeting include enhancement of loyalty programs, guidance on useful
skills for the members and for the public, and promotion of physical, mental, and spiritual
A .How were these goals perceived by the group? (Observation and inquiry)
The group was positive about the goals and showed willingness to cooperate with their
leaders throughout.
b. How did you perceive these goals?
I appreciated the efforts of the group in the way the entire group was organized. The leaders
could coordinate every activity within a short time; however, I never expected that level of
cooperation and engagement.
c. What are the similarities or differences between the group's perception of these goals and
My perception was similar to the group in that, I expected high cooperation levels and so was
the group.
The group and I perceived the activities as a routine that would not challenge anyone.
While the group expected to hold the entire meeting within two hours, I thought, they would
probably take four hours or more.



While the group was organized and time-conscious, I was never time-consc...

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