UCSD Swallowtail Butterfly Shunji Iwai 1996 Breathtaking Japanese Film Review

User Generated



University of California San Diego


Writing is based on the Japanese film. I will provide the list of requirements. It is not hard. Just 300-400 words.

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Explanation & Answer

Hello, here’s your film analysis, I am not sure if this is a discussion post. So originally this has 397 words, but because of works cited, word count was added for like about 419 I think. 1st paragraph: prompt argument, 2nd paragraph, also included minimal in text citation from assigned readings, then las paragraph, the keyword :) . If you want me to revise it, kindly inform me ASAP :) Thank you !

Hello Everyone!
Shunji Iwai's Swallowtail Butterfly(1996) was just clearly a breathtaking movie; from the
handheld cameras and seemingly documentary-like approaches: this Japanese film has
encompassed vario...

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