Week 6: Cover Letter/
Personal Statement
BA 4908
Class Agenda
o Housekeeping
• Participation 2 – due 9/27
• Late work is not accepted
o Describe the guidelines and content of the cover letter & personal statement
o Prepare for next class
Purpose of the Cover Letter/Personal
• To inform the contact person why you are applying
• To persuade him/her to look at your application materials
• To persuade him/her to see you
General Guidelines for Cover Letters/
Personal Statement
o Use the same font and paper as the resume/CV
o Sign your full name in blank ink
o Do not use “justified” paragraph; Use standard block format (Align left)
o Single space between sentences and double space between paragraphs
o Use italics and bold font if limited to no more than five
Important Considerations
o Tailor the correspondence to a particular recipient, organization, or position
• Do NOT use “To whom it may concern”
• Dear Search Committee Members
• Dear Graduate Committee Members
o Use “Mr.,” or “Ms.” in the greeting of the letter
o Write out their first and last names in full if you don’t know the hiring
manager’s Gender
• Do not address the recipient in the greeting by his or her first name
Important Considerations (Cont’d)
o Use the proper spelling of all names and the correct organization name - Call
to check!
o Do not explain why you are looking for a job
o Research the organization to fine-tune your letter (e.g., mission, goal,
student population)
o Eliminate extraneous information
o No errors!
Overview of a Cover Letter
o Introductory paragraph
o Experience/Education paragraph
o Skills/Attributes paragraph
o Closing paragraph
Introductory Paragraph
o Introduce yourself
• How did you hear about the organization?
• E.g., mutual friend who encouraged you to apply, job advertisement, etc.
• What position are you applying for?
• Why are you interested in the position?
ØBe sure to include why you specifically want to work at that
• Vision, Mission, Goal statements and your goals and values
Experience/Education Paragraph
o Be Concrete! vs. Laundry list
o Describe your educational and work background that relates directly to the
target position
• Be specific on how your education/experience help you with the duties required for the
• Be specific on how your education/experience can benefit the organization
o Roughly 3-5 sentences
o Be sincere and persuasive
• Make every sentence count
Skills/Attributes Paragraph
o Be concrete/specific!
o Describe your skills/attributes that relates directly to the position
• Be specific on what you’re capable of because of your skills/attributes
o Highlight skills, personal attributes, and traits that will benefit the
o Roughly 3-5 sentences
o Lead off with your best-selling points
Closing Paragraph
o Ask the potential employer to contact you and restate your interest in
the position and the organization
o Express appreciation
§ “The enclosed materials demonstrate that I am well qualified for the
position. If my background is of interest to you, please contact me for a
personal meeting. I certainly look forward to discussing any
opportunities you may have at XYZ Corporation. Thank you for your
time and consideration.”
What is a
statement of purpose/personal statement?
• Most graduate programs require some type of personal statement (statement
of purpose; SOP) or essay
• Requirements vary widely
• Few paragraphs about your reasons for applying to their graduate school
• Numerous essays on various topics
Before writing
• Think of your audience
• Who will be reading this statement?
• What will the admission committee be looking for?
• Research on the application materials and the graduate program
• Contact the faculty members
• Review the course offerings and requirements for the degree
• Follow guidelines exactly!
• Address EACH aspect of their questions
• Some programs often ask multiple questions
• Address each question separately
• Demonstrate the quality of your writing (draft, revise, receive feedback,
revise, and proofread)
• Do not exceed the page limit, word limit, or character limit
• Identify your educational and career goal
• Explain how you became interested in the field (1-2 sentences)
• Highlight your educational and work experiences that facilitated your desire to achieve a
graduate degree in the field:
• Education background
• Explain how your paid and volunteer experience validated your desire to pursue this career
• Each of these experiences should demonstrate how they led to your educational/career
Content (Cont’d)
• Identify why are you applying to the specific program
• Explain how this program will position you for your career
• Explain your personal attributes that make you a good fit with the program
• E.g., fluency in languages, fluency in statistical programs or programming languages, ability to
overcome obstacles, work ethic
• Make sure your statement fits with the graduate program mission
Additional Notes
• What can you bring to the program? (without overstating your abilities)
• Strengths and achievements
• Mention relevant skills (e.g., research, fieldwork)
• Help the reviewer to
• (1) understand that your applying to this program was well thought out
• (2) what you can bring to the program and career
For Ph.D. Programs and Research Based Masters
• Explain your research background
• Statistical experience, research experience, scholarship, conference presentations, and
• Identify why are you applying to this specific program and/or faculty member
• If possible, you should tie your research interests with at least 2 faculty members to
increase your chances
• Those faculty members need to be doing similar research
Prepare for Next Class
o Required reading
• Plunkett, pp. 41- 44, p. 47 (sample cover letter)
o Office hours this week
• Tue: 9/29/2020, 2:30 – 5:00 pm
• Thu: 10/1/2020, 2:30 – 5:00 pm
Rescheduled to
• Wed: 9/30/2020, 2:30 – 5:00 pm
Prepare for Next Class
o Participation 3
Upload a cover letter OR personal statement on the CANVAS discussion board by 10/6.
§ Upload MS word file
§ Briefly mention about the job position you want to apply (target of your cover letter/personal statement )
§ Use hypothetical contact information (e.g., address, phone number)
Peer feedback by 10/11.
• You may choose one student’s work (cover letter/personal statement) and leave a comment in the “Reply” field
• Pick a student’s work that has no comments
• Be sure to look on items that I have been mentioned in the lecture video and reading material
• Provide detail suggestions for strengthening the cover letter/personal statement
Credit will only be awarded once you complete both activities
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