Airline Passenger Information Systems

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Embry Riddle Aeronautical University



Here are the instructions for this assignment:


In this Module 5 activity, you will first review a scholarly

paper on the topic of airline passenger information systems. Next, you

will conduct in-depth research on the topic of a real-life example of a

relatively new (within the last 5 years) airline passenger information

system offered by a vendor that assists airline passengers in their

travel planning, booking, and flight experience or airline marketing,

sales, and customer service departments' personnel in servicing those

passengers. Once you have gained knowledge relating to the topic and

gathered sufficient information, you will present a case in a scholarly

APA style paper detailing how the technology solution enables the

airline to obtain and retain new customers and to service and provide

the best passenger travel experience possible.

To receive a high-level grade in this assignment, you must put forth a considerable amount of time and effort. You will be graded on the scholastic quality of your paper and the fulfillment of the requirements stated in the Requirements section.


  • Review the Writing Style Guide.
  • Review the rubric below the assignment data for detailed grading criteria before beginning your work.
  • Use your own words to demonstrate a clear understanding and comprehension of the subject matter.
  • Copying and pasting one direct quote after another without presenting a majority of the data in your own words will result in a low assignment grade.
  • Support your personal opinions, feelings, and observations with meaningful scholarly data obtained from primary sources.


Submit a scholarly paper that addresses the following:

  • Utilize Microsoft Word.
  • Title Page (Page #1).
  • Body of the text (4-5 pages) to include:
    • Centered title of the paper.
    • Introductory paragraph.
    • Conclusion
    • In-text citations for direct quotes or paraphrased data from primary sources.
  • Reference List Page (Page #6 or #7).
  • Times New Roman 12-point font
  • Double-spaced lines.
  • APA Style 7th Edition
  • Utilize the APA_Style_7th_Edition Template.docx. Edit the template to remove the informational notes and add your data. Select Enable Editing immediately below the Microsoft Word toolbar to be able to edit the document.

MGMT 494 Assignment 5.3 Case Study & Research Paper Rubric

MGMT 494 Assignment 5.3 Case Study & Research Paper Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Analysis & Content

55.0 pts Excellent - A THOROUGH analysis of the topic was provided AND a minimum of FOUR FULL pages of double-spaced text was submitted in the body of the text.

45.0 pts Very Good - A THOROUGH analysis of the topic was provided AND a minimum of THREE FULL pages of double-spaced text was submitted in the body of the text.

40.0 pts Satisfactory - A THOROUGH analysis of the topic was provided AND a minimum of TWO FULL pages of double-spaced text was submitted in the body of the text.

35.0 pts Near Failing - A BASIC analysis of the topic was provided AND a minimum of TWO FULL pages of double-spaced text were submitted in the body of the text.

0.0 pts Failing - A minimum of TWO FULL pages of double-spaced text was NOT submitted in the body of the text.

55.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Conclusion & Recommendations

15.0 pts Excellent - The conclusion was sound AND the recommendations were ENTIRELY appropriate.

13.0 pts Very Good - The conclusion was sound AND the recommendations were MOSTLY appropriate.

11.0 pts Satisfactory - The conclusion was sound AND the recommendations were SOMEWHAT appropriate.

9.0 pts Near Failing - The conclusion was NOT sound OR the recommendations were NOT SOMEWHAT appropriate.

0.0 pts Failing - A conclusion with recommendations was NOT presented.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Style & Mechanics

10.0 pts Excellent - ALL sentences were properly structured AND the data was ENTIRELY free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

9.0 pts Very Good - ALL sentences were properly structured BUT there were SOME spelling, grammar, OR punctuation errors.

8.0 pts Satisfactory - SOME sentences were NOT properly structured AND there were SOME spelling, grammar, OR punctuation errors.

7.0 pts Near Failing - SOME sentences were NOT properly structured AND there were MANY spelling, grammar, OR punctuation errors.

0.0 pts Failing - MANY sentences were not properly structured AND there were MANY spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Scholarly Research

10.0 pts Excellent - Scholarly research was conducted utilizing a minimum of TWO outside primary sources (excluding the textbook) AND terminology from the source materials was presented.

9.0 pts Very Good - Scholarly research was conducted utilizing a minimum of TWO outside primary sources (excluding the textbook) BUT terminology from the source materials was NOT presented.

8.0 pts Satisfactory - Scholarly research was conducted utilizing a minimum of ONE outside primary source (excluding the textbook) AND terminology from the source materials was presented.

7.0 pts Near Failing - Scholarly research was conducted utilizing a minimum of ONE outside primary source (excluding the textbook) BUT terminology from the source materials WAS NOT presented.

0.0 pts Failing - Scholarly research was NOT conducted utilizing a minimum of ONE outside primary source (excluding the textbook).

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA Style

10.0 pts Excellent - ALL of the following APA style components were provided AND there were NO format errors: Title Page, Page Header with Page Numbers, Introductory Paragraph AND Conclusion Section in the Body of the Text, Reference List Page.

9.0 pts Very Good - ALL of the following APA style components were provided AND there were SOME format errors: Title Page, Page Header with Page Numbers, Introductory Paragraph AND Conclusion Section in the Body of the Text, Reference List Page.

8.0 pts Satisfactory - SOME of the following APA style components were NOT provided AND there were NO format errors: Title Page, Page Header with Page Numbers, Introductory Paragraph AND Conclusion Section in the Body of the Text, Reference List Page.

7.0 pts Near Failing - SOME of the following APA style components were NOT provided AND there were SOME format errors: Title Page, Page Header with Page Numbers, Introductory Paragraph AND Conclusion Section in the Body of the Text, Reference List Page.

0.0 pts Failing - SOME of the following APA style components were NOT provided AND there were MANY format errors: Title Page, Page Header with Page Numbers, Introductory Paragraph AND Conclusion Section in the Body of the Text, Reference List Page.

10.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0

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Explanation & Answer


Outline: Airline Passenger Information Systems- Amadeus Mobile Messenger
Thesis Statement: The Amadeus Information System has proved to be one of the most efficient
airline information systems since its conception in 2012. The information systems by enabling
airlines to connect with their customers and clients through their digital devices.

A. Thesis Statement
B. Overview
C. Plot


A. Automated communication systems
1. Real-time messages
B. Facilitate the dispay of passenger itineraries maps
1. Locate, trace, monitor passengers
C. Travel simulation and mobile apps
1. Whatsapp and Facebook messenger


A. Expedia
1. Stronger brand
2. Larger portfolio
3. Slow response
4. Unspecific


A. Customer satisfaction

B. Eliminating confrontations

A. Expensive and costly
B. Not for new firms


A. Restatement of Thesis
B. Key points
C. Recommendations




Airline Passenger Information System
First name, Middle initial(s), and Last name
Due Date


Airline Passenger Information Systems- Amadeus Mobile Messenger
The Amadeus Information System has proved to be one of the most efficient airline
information systems since its conception in 2012. The information systems by enabling airlines
to connect with their customers and clients through their digital devices. The breakthrough
airline information systems solution actively interacts with Windows, Android, and Mac
operating systems that commonly run client’s mobile devices. Using their top-notch technology,
the Amadeus IT Group facilitates efficient communication between an Airline company and its
esteemed clients using standard short-message-services (SMS) and messaging technology. The
company boasts as a renowned vendor of information systems in major airline companies such as
Singapore Airlines. This paper attempts to provide a comprehensive analysis of the Amadeus
Information Systems. The paper describes the unique features that enable the company to
satisfactorily operate with airline companies. The paper mainly investigates the competitive
features that enable the company to interact with customers by providing relevant data ...

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