Module 01 Assignment - Outsourcing vs. Direct Hiring

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Business Finance

Rasmussen University


It would be ideal for a company to have the budget and resources to hire people all the time. Many times, this is the case, but there are times where it could potentially make sense to hire people for a short period of time to perform specific work for a specific reason. This is very common. Restaurants, call centers, theme parks and retail stores ramp up hiring for holidays and busy periods of the year and then cut employees when the need wanes. This model has its benefits, but there are also significant challenges as well.

Research on a large, well-known company of your choosing. Determine if they direct hire or if they bring in contract or temporary labor or both. Find the justification for this model.

Write a two-page project introduction to be presented to management.

  • The 2 page paper should be typed in 12 pt. Times Roman, double-spaced.
  • Include a third page for your references formatted in APA style. This list will grow as you add references each week.
  • In your own words, summarize the company and what they do in one paragraph.
  • In your own words, summarize the problem in one paragraph.
  • Using at least 3 credible sources, research how the company responds to labor and workers. This should be limited to 3 paragraphs.
  • Summarize your perspective on this approach, whether you agree or disagree. However, base your perspective on a manager’s view of the problem, not based on emotion. Write your position based on facts, not opinions, you may be surprised at what you find!

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Outsourcing Vs Direct Hiring
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Outsourcing vs. Direct Hiring
Target is a retail chain store that is well established in our country, and that why I picked
it and the availability of information to the public. Target was founded in 1902 by George Draper
Dayton, but the first Target store was opened in 1983. Target being a retail chain store, offers a
variety of goods to the consumers. The store also has been diversified to different departments that
include clothing, food, beauty and jewelry, health, toys, games, and even electronics. Structurally
the company has three types of employees store, corporate, and warehouse employees. Mainly
Target uses direct hiring to acquire its employees, which is both for permanent and contractual
employees. (2020)
Target as a company has not placed a...

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