Conduct research using the CSU Online Library, and find at least two articles on handling project conflict management. In your paper, identify the different styles you found in your research, and compare and contrast each style. Identify either low, medium, or high for concern for self and concern for others in your paper. Also, include a synopsis of each article to include when appropriate for projects. See exhibit 13.11, located on page 371 of your textbook, for an example.
Be sure to use APA format and cite your work. Your paper should be at least three pages in length and will include a title and reference page which are not included in the page count.
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Project Management Research Paper
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Project Management Research Paper
Project management conflict in organizations and businesses at large is inevitable. Conflict
is common in business since developing projects requires the interaction of individuals from
different backgrounds to work together in unison to complete specific tasks. Conflict in a team can
result in differences in values, ideas, attitudes, resources, personalities, perceptions or
expectations. Project managers are required to skillfully resolve conflicts at the workplace and
hence realize productivity in the organization. Different organizations adopt different methods of
dealing with conflict cases.
Understanding Conflict
Conflict occurs between two individual performing tasks that are interdependent as one
party perceives the other to be on the wrong and are often angry with each other. However, conflict
can be beneficial, depending on how the situation is handled (Tabassi et al., 2019). Moreover,
conflict can also be destructive and result in projects stalling as the people involved are not in
agreement with each other on what to do. Conflict enhances ongoing communication and
understanding goals, needs and the real interest of each other. Besides, underlying issues are
brought about, and solutions to them realized. On the other hand, the dispute can be destructive if
not properly managed. For example, it can threaten team relationships, organization unity or