Profession Wage Gap Between Males and Females Within a Profession Discussion

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Write a 3-4 double-spaced, error-free paper examining the wage gap between males and females within a profession of your choice. (For example, a specific job title within education, health care, business, science, mathematics, engineering and the fine arts, etc). You may discuss the history of accessibility into the profession, advancement opportunities, and wage disparities between men and women. You will need 3 sources of support using APA documentation style.

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Profession Wage Gap between Males and Females.
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Profession Wage Gap between Males and Females.
The profession wage gap is the standard difference between the stipend for men and
women working under the same conditions in the same profession. Sex discrimination is the
prime motive force of the pay gap between males and females. Females are mostly affected by
the gender wage gap and suffer the consequences. The gender wage gap is also experienced due
to prolonged interruptions in work life for women and occupational and industry segregation.
Females frequently earn less than males, and the gap is broader for most women of color.
In medicine, unjustifiable differences in wages between genders persevere. From history
through to the present day, the female's role in treatment throughout is evident. However, in the
United Kingdom, females were prohibited from joining medical schools until the nineteenth
century. The repercussion was a history class and gender division in medicine and treatment. The
rich would afford to be treated by university-trained men practitioners.
In contrast, the poor would be treated by female healers wi...

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