Hackers Carry out Reconnaissance on Individuals Discussion

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Computer Science

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Need help with my Computer Science question - I’m studying for my class.

1)Why do some hackers perform reconnaissance on individuals before they attack?

2)Using the IPNetInfo application, inspect at least two other IP addresses (not including in the Apache2_access_log.xlsx file.

3)In Section 2 of this lab, you followed an investigation to find how the information in the pricesheet.xlsx file was being transferred to Corporation Techs’ biggest competitor. Now that you know the source of the leak, how would you ensure that the leaking stops?

The fictitious Alpha Enterprises is a publicly-traded US manufacturer. It is rumored that they are soon to release a revolutionary new consumer electronics product. How could you use social engineering or reverse social engineering to get more information about this product? Choose a partner, develop a brief plan and share your plan with your partner.

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Question One

It is noted that hackers carry out reconnaissance on individuals and even organizations
before they attack. Hackers tend to do so in order to find out more information as possible about

Ghgbe_Dhrragn (18701)
University of Virginia

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