UBC What Is Sexual Harassment Reflective Learning Journal

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Business Finance

University of British Columbia




This journal is worth 25% of your overall mark.

Due dates are on your course outline.

Download the



create your own it must be identical.

Follow the instructions in the journal template and Journal Rubrics or you will lose marks.


Submit your journal to me via the tab ACTIVITIES> ASSIGNMENTS for both written and video



Its easier for me to mark them for you quickly and

easily through ASSIGNMENTS.


Journals will not be accepted if more than 2 days late. And you will automatically lose 1 point

per day late and ½ point if even 5 minutes late.


Plagiarized journals will have you dismissed from the class immediately, without a grade, so

don’t even think about it. Yes, this happens in every class that someone uses someone else’s

journal entries.


Your journal is for you to make the

connections between what you are reading in the textbook,

writing about in the discussion forums, or the live virtual sessions.


connections are you

making to your work with what you are learning in class? What insights or AHA moments are you learning

about yourself and the materials and your work.

This can be your current work environment or past



DO NOT recite me back the textbook or you won't get any marks


I want to know what you THINK or

FEEL about what you are learning and how you will apply it in real life; what you are learning about

yourself as a supervisor or potential supervisor.

Its also okay to site how what you are learning may be

crossing over to your personal life.

Everything you are learning can be applied personally and



Refer to the

Journal Rubrics under GETTING STARTED

for expectations of what I am looking for.


Therefore, your

textbook is mandatory

because I will know if you are not reading it.


No, you can’t opt out of a video journal in favour of a written one so don’t ask me. Your verbal journal is

great speaking skills practice :>)

Four Questions will be repeated for each journal (written and video)

Q1: My two Insights.

(2 Points: 1 point per Insight)

Write a

minimum of 150 words

for each insight. You are welcome to write

more than

150 words; it’s a

journal so write as much as you want, and I promise I will read it. Anything

less than

150 words will

receive zero.

An “insight” is your “aha” moment; something that you learnt from this last 2-3 weeks of materials that

really impressed you or that you want to explore more or get stronger at. To get there it will be

something from what you are reading in the textbook, or the online discussion forums or live

virtual/recorded sessions.

I want to hear YOUR insight

not verbatim something in the book.

How does what you learned mean

something to you personally and/or professionally. What connections are you making to work? What

are you learning about your past experiences?

Online Supervisory Skills

revised 08-13-2020


Q2: One strength I own that I recognize about


(I Point)

Write a



250 words

. Less than 250 words and you will lose the point, and I won’t comment on


What is something you learned about yourself in this last few week’s materials that you consider to be a

strength you already possess. Relate it to the materials you are learning.

This isn’t about something you want to learn, but that you have notice about yourself that you want to

acknowledge and continue to grow and magnify.

As a leader it’s important to acknowledge what you already excel at and what you are naturally good at. I

want you take pride it these skills, knowledge, abilities, talents, and character traits.

Q3: One growth opportunity I want to expand on




a minimum


250 words

. Less than 250 words and you will lose the point and I won’t comment on


Think with a growth mindset about what you learned about in this few week’s materials. What have you

noticed about yourself that you need to grow, strengthen and be more competent/confident at.

Where do you want to stretch yourself and grow and learn more of? What is an area that you are seeing

you are challenged and need to improve upon to be a good leader such as skills, knowledge, abilities, and

character traits?

Q4: What are you thankful for?

(1 Point)

Write at least two things you are thankful for. This can be personal or professional. You can expand it into

a sentence or write bullets points with some details.

Don’t look for big things here; the sun was out today, a fun family dinner, a colleague who made you

laugh, a good meal, a quick ride home because traffic was light.


no point for this

. I want you to acknowledge what you are thankful is in your life and/or work.

There is a reason I am asking you to do this and I will explain it on our last virtual session.

Online Supervisory Skills

Additional information about my job

I am senior sales representative at seven eleven store try to put at every insight put all the examples of my own experience as a senior sales representative for each topic.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

WRITTEN AND VIDEO JOURNAL Instructions: This journal is worth 25% of your overall mark. Due dates are on your course outline. • Download the Journal or create your own it must be identical. • Follow the instructions in the journal template and Journal Rubrics or you will lose marks. o o o o Submit your journal to me via the tab ACTIVITIES> ASSIGNMENTS for both written and video journals. DO NOT SEND TO ME VIA EMAIL. Its easier for me to mark them for you quickly and easily through ASSIGNMENTS. Journals will not be accepted if more than 2 days late. And you will automatically lose 1 point per day late and ½ point if even 5 minutes late. Plagiarized journals will have you dismissed from the class immediately, without a grade, so don’t even think about it. Yes, this happens in every class that someone uses someone else’s journal entries. Your journal is for you to make the connections between what you are reading in the textbook, writing about in the discussion forums, or the live virtual sessions. What connections are you making to your work with what you are learning in class? What insights or AHA moments are you learning about yourself and the materials and your work. This can be your current work environment or past work. o DO NOT recite me back the textbook or you won't get any marks. I want to know what you THINK or FEEL about what you are learning and how you will apply it in real life; what you are learning about yourself as a supervisor or potential supervisor. Its also okay to site how what you are learning may be crossing over to your personal life. Everything you are learning can be applied personally and professionally. o Refer to the Journal Rubrics under GETTING STARTED for expectations of what I am looking for. o Therefore, your textbook is mandatory because I will know if you are not reading it. o No, you can’t opt out of a video journal in favour of a written one so don’t ask me. Your verbal journal is great speaking skills practice :>) Four Questions will be repeated for each journal (written and video) Q1: My two Insights. • • • (2 Points: 1 point per Insight) Write a minimum of 150 words for each insight. You are welcome to write more than 150 words; it’s a journal so write as much as you want, and I promise I will read it. Anything less than 150 words will receive zero. An “insight” is your “aha” moment; something that you learnt from this last 2-3 weeks of materials that really impressed you or that you want to explore more or get stronger at. To get there it will be something from what you are reading in the textbook, or the online discussion forums or live virtual/recorded sessions. I want to hear YOUR insight not verbatim something in the book. How does what you learned mean something to you personally and/or professionally. What connections are you making to work? What are you learning about your past experiences? Online Supervisory Skills revised 08-13-2020 OMcIvor Q2: One strength I own that I recognize about myself (I Point) • • • • Write a minimum of 250 words. Less than 250 words and you will lose the point, and I won’t comment on it. What is something you learned about yourself in this last few week’s materials that you consider to be a strength you already possess. Relate it to the materials you are learning. This isn’t about something you want to learn, but that you have notice about yourself that you want to acknowledge and continue to grow and magnify. As a leader it’s important to acknowledge what you already excel at and what you are naturally good at. I want you take pride it these skills, knowledge, abilities, talents, and character traits. Q3: One growth opportunity I want to expand on (1 Point) • • • Write a minimum of 250 words. Less than 250 words and you will lose the point and I won’t comment on it. Think with a growth mindset about what you learned about in this few week’s materials. What have you noticed about yourself that you need to grow, strengthen and be more competent/confident at. Where do you want to stretch yourself and grow and learn more of? What is an area that you are seeing you are challenged and need to improve upon to be a good leader such as skills, knowledge, abilities, and character traits? Q4: What are you thankful for? (1 Point) • • • • Write at least two things you are thankful for. This can be personal or professional. You can expand it into a sentence or write bullets points with some details. Don’t look for big things here; the sun was out today, a fun family dinner, a colleague who made you laugh, a good meal, a quick ride home because traffic was light. DO NOT TELL ME YOU ARE THANKFUL FOR WHAT YOU LEARNED THIS WEEK in the class as you will get no point for this. I want you to acknowledge what you are thankful is in your life and/or work. There is a reason I am asking you to do this and I will explain it on our last virtual session. Online Supervisory Skills revised 08-13-2020 OMcIvor Journal #1 & #4 VideoJournal My two “insights” 1. 2. • One strength I own that I want to acknowledge • One growth opportunity I want to expand • I’m thankful for… Journal #2: Written Journal My two “insights” 1. 2. • One strength I own that I want to acknowledge • One growth opportunity I want to expand • I’m thankful for… Online Supervisory Skills revised 08-13-2020 OMcIvor
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Explanation & Answer

Please find the attached. Kindly go through the assignment as soon as possible. Let me know if you need any clarification.


Reflective Learning Journal
Name of Student
Institution Affiliation




● What is work specialization?
Work specialisation is a term used to describe the degree to which work is divided into smaller
units; it is the division of labour.
● What is the chain of command?
Chain of command is the workplace hierarchy of authority. In a company, there is the supervisor
who reports to the department manager who reports to the general manager, and so on. This
structure reporting relationship is the chain of command.
● What is authority?
Authority is the right to give commands and orders to achieve organisation's objectives. The
authority in a company is the right and power a person has to allocate resources efficiently, make
decisions, and give commands for efficiency in the organization.

The topic gives insight on the various organising aspects at the workplace. The hierarchy
of authority, need for division of labour all are insightful on the way to go when organising the
firm. The emphasis on organising is to ensure accountability at the workplace. Without an
effective hierarchy of authority, the organisation cannot easily attain its objectives. The lesson I
learnt in this topic is the importance of a chain of command, and also the division of labour. The
area that I would like to improve my knowledge on is the capacity of supervisors providing
accountability. I am always keen on division of labour without much emphasis on monitoring



since I believe employees work best when there is minimal supervision. I am thankful for the
highlight on supervisors providing accountability, which is something I have to work on.

Organizing your employees
● How do you identify the tasks to be done?
To identify the tasks to be done, several things of the organisation need to be undertaken. First, a
research of every aspect of a typical work day has to be conducted. The research aids in figuring
out anything that needs to be done to improve efficiency and what the team leader deems as
slowing progress. Identifying all the steps and the outcomes desired would aid in noting gaps and
aiming for improvement. There could also be analysis of statistics, engaging the employees in
interviews and focus groups.
● What is the purpose of job descriptions?
A job description informs the employee of all the responsibilities assigned to him or her and the
obligations required by the company. The purpose of job descriptions is to assign every
employee tasks that they should follow to ensure all requirements are met.
My insights on this topic is that tasks could be identified through engaging the employees
in focus groups and interviews. I have now seen it at a different light and would like to engage
the employees in the organization to find out the tasks that need to be done. I have learnt that
monitoring the company's intranet is an effective method of identifying tasks that need to be
done. This is a very smart way that does not interfere with the natural setting of the employees



that I will surely utilise. I am thankful for the lesson and the important bits highlighted such as
smart ways to ident...

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