- paper must be between 1.5 pages and 2.0 pages. Do not write less than 1.5 pages or more than 2.0 pages.
1.Begin your paper by briefly describing the Misattribution, you have chosen to write about. This part of your paper should be no more than 4 sentences in length. Again, it’s important that you do not copy-and-paste from the Levy textbook or any other source. Put your description of the Misattribution in your own words. In writing your description, you are free to paraphrase Levy’s description of the Misattribution found in the relevant chapter, in the Glossary at the back of the Levy book (pages 262-280) or the Metathoughts Summaries on pages 240-242. But do not simply change a few words here and there. Make sure the words in your description are truly your own.
2.Next, you will discuss a personal experience in your own life in which you “committed” the Misattribution (i.e., committed the error/fallacy). Your personal experience should be an actual experience you had! Again, do not copy from the Levy book or any other source. Describe your experience and clearly explain why you believe that your experience is an example of the error/fallacy. Part 2 should be the longest part of your paper.
3.The final paragraph of your paper should be devoted to discussing how you can avoid committing the Misattribution in the future if you are in a similar situation again. Use one or more of the Antidotes associated with the Misattribution you have chosen (see Antidotes on pages 240-242 in the Levy book) to help you write this part of your paper, but do not copy the words of the Antidote(s) from the book. Instead, use the Antidote(s) to guide your discussion of how you might avoid committing this Misattribution again and explain why this will likely be especially helpful to you in future situations.
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Hi this is the final job :DHave a nice day!
Common Misattributions
As we know misattributions can be processes in whereas individuals we make the mistake of
assuming the causes of certain feelings or actions. Truth and feelings are not directly
associated. It is important to distinguish between subjective feelings and the objectives ones.
It is important to be aware of the relationship between subjective feelings and veracity.
Comfortable falsehoods are a great example of misattributions. In this condition, the subject
portrays emotional satisfaction based on variable beliefs, events, or statements that are not
true. In general, the individual experience a feeling of comfort or pleasure deri...