SEU Judgmental & Mechanical Methods of Assigning Overall Performance Score Case Study

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Business Finance

Saudi electronic university


There are a variety of factors that can affect the overall performance rating of an individual. Aguinis (2019) defined two methods—judgmental and mechanical—for reaching an overall score, and states that the mechanical approach is preferable in most cases, particularly if performance objectives are not weighted.

Review “Case Study 6-1: (attached) Judgmental and Mechanical Methods of Assigning Overall Performance Score at The Daily Planet” at the end of Chapter 6 in the Performance Management textbook.

First use the judgmental method to come up with Kuhn’s overall performance score. Next, compute Kuhn’s overall performance score using the weights in the table.

Is there a difference in the scores? What are the implications for the employee rated, for the supervisor, and for the organization? Which method would you use and why?

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Running head: CASE STUDY 6-1


Case Study 6-1: Judgmental and Mechanical Methods
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If this case is to be analyzed subjectively, the performance score can still be determined
even without putting weights into consideration. For the four criteria provided, the scores were 2,
4, 5, 2, with the summation of these figures being 13 (2+4+5+2=13). To get a performance
rating, we...

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