Cal Poly Pomona Black Mirror TV Series Discussion

User Generated



Cal Poly Pomona


Relatability & Reflection:

  •  The Black Mirror series is fictional and highly speculative, and yet it can still seem relevant to real life values and the impacts of technology on society and individual lives. What are your opinions about this series and its meaning for viewers?
  •  Consider the five episodes of Black Mirror that you watched for this course as representatives of the series:o “Fifteen Million Merits”, “The Entire History of You”, “Nosedive”, “Arkangel”, and “Smithereens”.What your paper should include:
  •  Relatability: Explore how the four episodes are relatable to our situation today in the real world.What real world situations do you think about when watching them? Which episodes are the most relatable, and why? Which are the least relatable, and why? Are the most relatable episodes also the most realistic, or is realism not needed for relatability?
  •  Reflection: The series title “Black Mirror” seems to invoke the idea of reflection. What does the phrase “Black Mirror” mean to you? Is the “mirror” for you as an individual to use for self-reflection and introspection? And/or, is it for society as a whole to see as an argument for reform? In other words, what do you think the creators of Black Mirror want us to do after watching the episodes?
  •  Evidence: Use specific evidence from each episode and contextualize it to interpret meaning. Don’t just summarize the plots. Evidence should include story elements, such as: plot points, character descriptions, and/or dialogue quotations. Evidence could also include storytelling devices, such as: allusion, symbolism, foreshadowing, irony, etc.
  •  Cohesive: Analyze the episodes together in an integrated way. Organize your arguments around the issues of relatability and reflection, rather than by the episode plots.Grading Rubric:

 Review the grading rubric on Canvas for more guidance and requirements.Due Date:

 Sunday, October 11, 2020: by 11:59 p.m.Submit:

 PDF or Word document via the link on Canvas. Email is OK as a backup option.

Other Requirements:

  •  Formatting: Single-spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins. (One page with this formatting is about750 words.)
  •  Page count: 2.0-3.5 pages, not including title, headers, or spacing between paragraphs.
  •  Citing the episodes: You can informally reference Black Mirror episodes by title. You don’t needtimestamps or formal citations.
  •  Other references: You are free to reference sources from outside the course materials if you thinkthey help your arguments, but this is not required. If you do reference outside sources, please cite them. You cause any citation style you like.

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Explanation & Answer

Here you go, let me know if you need any edit

Black Mirror
The black mirror tv series is so popular today in many ways. As the name says, it has become, to
some extent, and in many ways a reflection of what it describes. It leads us to change a bit the
things that we see, either from the past or the current ones, since with this change of perspective,
we can have a much more critical vision of what we consume. In general terms, society has
evolved to such an extent that it has revealed itself in many aspects, such as racism, sexism, or
the enormous economic inequality in the world. We can see that the series also tries to explore
concepts such as freedom and democracy. Through these episodes, we mainly see a dystopian
complexity in interpersonal relationships due to technology, including the relationship with
oneself, thus giving us an introspective vision of the problem.
For example, "The Entire History of You" evokes the problem of cameras, surveillance, and data
management as central points of this dystopia. That we can also find in "Fifteen Million Merits"
where being seen is the goal for most, having the possibility of exposing oneself to stand out and
where making everything visible, even the disgusting and contradictory, is a must. In both
episodes, we see problems that even in different settings are very valid, such as becoming a
public figure and general surveillance. Added to this, we can say that the episode "Smithereens"
brings up that existential problem that causes our dependence on social networks and how deep
their presence can be in our lives. Without a doubt, these three episodes make us evoke reality in
a slightly cruder way. They make us dissect certain aspects of our lives on how we build ties
with others and how we...

Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.


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