California National University Iluman Tiyu Song Questions

User Generated



California National University


Listen carefully to the Quichua sanjuán Iluman Tiyu. Then, answer the two questions:

  1. Describe what you hear regarding its time characteristics (rhythm), pitch aspects, timbre/instrumentation, form, musical personality and function.
  2. What is "Ilumán Tiyu" really about?


Part 2: Outside Example
300 words

Tie the content of your Part 1 to a music sample that you find and post. This should be music you know and listen to--that is, not "world music," unless that is what you know and listen to.

Embed a youtube video or other content that allows readers to easily see and hear your sample. Tell us who we are seeing/hearing, why you chose it, and how the sample ties to your Part 1 discussion. Be specific and detailed. Write thoughtfully and well.

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer

Right here

Running head: ILUMAN TIYU


Ilumán Tiyu
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation



Part one
Ilumán Tiyu
The song Ilumán Tiyu hails from a rich Quinchuan identity. Like many other forms of
music, the lyrics elevate the prospect of the Quechuan people. Music's sole purpose often
appears to be educating, telling stories, condemning individual political acts, and exalting
others. Most significantly, the piece portrays certain aspects of a country's culture. For
instance, the African American music often describes the struggles they went through in their
quest to escape slavery (Barretta, 2017). However, all cultural musical forms always serve a
similar purpose, passing information, and providing standard entertainment during
celebrations and ceremonies. The only difference in songs often appears in the rhythm, beats,
harmony, the time characteristics, and the audience specificity. The music Iluman Tiyu by
Quichua sanjuán consists of several musical variables such as pitch aspects, instrumentation,
form, musical iden...

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