Cuyamaca College Progress Neocolonialism and US Imperial Expansion Essay

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Cuyamaca College


Part II: Three (3) short essay to be answered in two substantial paragraphs each (7-8 sentences per paragraph)

1) Central Conflicts and Colonial Legacies. Discuss some of the “central conflicts” of the colonial era, our “colonial legacies” that would shape the region for centuries to come: of the conquest, subjugation and exploitation of Native peoples (native slavery, the encomienda); diseases and demographic collapse (which ones? When? Consequences?); the transatlantic slave trade (how did that happen? How many? To what regions and for what?), and the emergence of race as a hegemonic idea (why is that important?); and patriarchy as a hegemonic idea. and discuss how these would matter for the modern era- the 19th-21st centuries. Remember, “legacies” don’t have to be negative, for example: culture, transculturation, language and music... Explain each part with specific examples

(Study hints: our lectures, Chasteen’s ch’s 1-3; our films on conquest; our podcasts on race and “caste” system; our documents from Wood & Alexander on Colonial era)

2) Manifest Destiny. Describe the emergence of “Manifest Destiny” in the U.S. - tell us what it is, how it emerged, and explain how it impacted Native peoples in the U.S. (the Cherokee, Plains Indians, Native Peoples of the West,...) in the 19th century. Then explain how the U.S. came to take half of Mexico, and how the Mexican-American and Native American population that lived in the territories that the U.S. took from Mexico in 1848 (California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas...) fared after 1848. Explain each part with specific examples

(Study hints: our lectures, Chasteen's ch. 5 including "Countercurrents," our lecture our films “To Conquer or Redeem: Manifest Destiny, Pt II, Empire of Liberty”, films & podcasts on Native Peoples, American Yawp ch’s 17 “Conquering the West” & LAT art. genocide of California natives...)

3) Progress, Neocolonialism & U.S. Imperial Expansion. Describe the political, economic, ideological, and social changes of the late 19th century and how those transformed this hemisphere. Discuss how the major technological innovations of the late 19th century, as well as foreign investment, contributed to the export-led growth and the transformation of the region (our ‘globalization 2.0; discuss specific regions, specific countries and specific products [crops/mining] they came to specialize in and explain why that was important). What were some social consequences of that economic growth? (I.e. who benefited? Dislocations? What kind and where?). Immigration is an important part of these trends- discuss. Lastly, explain how “Progress” also led to “Imperialism”, i.e., how the U.S. economic penetration of Latin America in the late 19th century and early 20th century led to the political and military domination of Latin America, especially Central America and the Caribbean (discuss “dollar diplomacy, “gunboat diplomacy”, the Roosevelt Corollary, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Panama and U.S. “protectorates”) Discuss also how the U.S. came to acquire Hawaii and the Philippines and the consequences for Hawaiian and Filipino sovereignty (discuss “Benevolent Assimilation”). Explain each part with specific examples

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Explanation & Answer


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Short Essay
One of the major colonial legacies is how the colonizers managed to impose their
language and culture on their colonies. They were powerful and quite influential, so they
developed the social norms that the natives had to follow. Conquest meant that they set the laws
of the land and determined how people interacted or behaved. When the Spanish and Portuguese
established their colonies in America in the 1950s, they ensured that the people who labored for
them, including the enslaved Africans and indigenous Americans, adopted their culture,
including languages (Chasteen 9). Although Latin American countries gained independence and
formed republics, old thinking, influenced by the colonizers, still lurked in most political
processes. These elements would still matter in the modern era because they define different
ethnic or racial groups in society. The "Manifest Destiny" refers to the idea that the European
settlers coined in the mid-19th century, that eliminating Native Americans from their indigenous
lands was justified because the Europeans were ordained by God to expand North America
(Chasteen10). The white imperialists believed that native people were not exploring the full
potential of the land in which they lived. Therefore, the indigenous people we detached from
their lands and were exposed to wars where many died.
Towards the late 19th century, slavery was abolished, and African Americans began to
delve into significant social movements and activities that formed the Civil Rights Movement's

Surname 2
foundation. The industrial economy matured from the era of Reconstruction as businesses
expanded rapidly and labor unions emerged. Major technological innovations boosted industry
performance as machines were developed. The capitalist economy attracted foreign investment,
whereby exports continued to enhance the economy (Chasteen 28). The people who benefited the
most from economic growth were elit...

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