At the heart of the constitutional debate was the issue of federal government vs. state government. Do you believe in a strong national government, as James Madison argued in the Federalist Papers, or do you believe in stronger states’ rights, such as Thomas Jefferson supported? You will argue your opinion of these questions by completing the following:
1- Choose one of the following topics:
- Same-sex marriage
- Abortion
- Gun control
- Education
- Health care
- Immigration
- Marijuana
2- Research the following arguments:
WHY should this be a federal (national) issue?
WHY should this be a state issue?
Present both sides in your paper. Be sure to use the Constitution as your basis for each side: WHY, according to the Constitution, should this issue be federal or state?
3- Choose the side you agree with and explain why you think that issue is best under national or state authority.
- 4+ pages typed, double-spaced
- 12 pt font, Courier New font
- 1” margins
- Cover sheet (APA format) **You do NOT need an Abstract
- 3-4 academic sources, APA citation format

Explanation & Answer

Same-Sex Marriage
Same-sex marriage, also known as gay marriage, has been a bone of contention in many
societies worldwide.
One of the reasons why same-sex marriage should be a concern of the federal
government is that it is deemed an essential human right.
The second reason why same sex marriage should be a national government concern is it
can be used as a basis for ascertaining equal treatment of the citizens stipulated in key
Next is due to the effect that the recognition of such union would have on society's
societal beliefs and progression and the sentiments it might generate.
Lastly is the implication of existing regulations on such marriages. Despite the need for
legal modification to accommodate and legalize same-sex marriages, numerous laws
define marriage unions' prerequisites and their fundamental obligation and privileges.
Despite the legal recognition of same-sex marriage in the United States beginning after
the Obergefell v. Hodges case's decision, the availability of legally recognized similar sex
marriage commenced in 2004 and expanded to many other states.
The first reason is that it mirrors state-level marriage equality. Legal recognition and
sanctioning of same-sex relationships occurred in various states in the United States
The second reason states should be concerned about same-sex marriage is the shift of
public opinion about these relationships.
In a nutshell, same-sex marriage has been a contentious issue in many jurisdictions
Same-Sex Marriage
Student’s Name
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Due Date
Same-Sex Marriage
Same-sex marriage, also known as gay marriage, has been a bone of contention in many
societies worldwide. It is the matrimony of two people of the similar sex or gender presided over
through a civil or religious rite. The contention of this form of marriage is due to its perceived
contravention of religious and cultural beliefs. In the United States, the national government was
reluctant to legalize this form of marriage despite wide civil rights campaigns for the recognition
of marriage without distinction th...