Temple University Art and Copy Documentary Film Advertising Phenom Questions

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Business Finance

Temple University


1. Tell me what you think about Art & Copy! What stood out to you? Was there an advertising phenom interviewed that you really liked or connected with?

Write a 1/2 paged single -spaced response to the film.

2. Ideally, you'll start a notebook ledger and you'll handwrite your observations in it daily. For this assignment, if you'd like to start a word doc that you continue to update and save, that's fine too!

The idea here is to start to INTENTIONALLY SEE the world around you. Notice the little things. And when you notice something, record it! This is a great exercise to get us to really start to absorb the world (read: ideas/things that already exist in the world) so that we have move input to put together in new ways (read: new ideas!).

Each day, write an entry in your ledger. At the end of this week you'll submit at least five entries (a sentence or two each).

For example:

Monday: Parked two cars up from the yellow “Bumblebee Transformer” car on my street (it has a Transformers sticker on the side), a new red pickup truck is parked and it has a Transformers sticker too!

Tuesday: All of the hot peppers in my neighbors garden are finally bright red....

3. Complete the Caffeine for the week( just follow the instruction that I uploaded)

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Caffeine  for  the  Crea-ve  Mind   WEEK  EIGHT  PROMPTS  
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Explanation & Answer


Running head: ART AND COPY


Art and Copy
Institutional Affiliation


Question 1

Art and Copy is a film directed by Doug Pray aimed at inspiring and advertising. It
demonstrates the wisdom and the work put in by most creatives during their advertisement,
which has a significant impact on culture, but these individuals remain unknown in these
industries. The 1960s "creative revolution" by artists and writers led to a rebellious aspect that
links to mediocracy and manipulation. The artists in ART and COPY had significant
involvement in "Just Do It”, “I Love NY”, "Where is the Beef?" amongst o...

This is great! Exactly what I wanted.


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