La Roche College Organic Chemistry Alkene Reactions Questions

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La Roche College


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Hydrohalogenation (H-X, where X = Br, Cl, I) Halogenation (X2, where X= Cl or Br) Formation of halohyrins (X2 and H2O, where X2=Cl or Br) Hydration (H2O, H2SO4) Etherification (ROH, H2SO4, where R = any carbon group) ● Make up 3 different reactions using the five reactions mentioned above. There are a few rules that you must follow: 1. You must use 3 different reactions from the list above (so you can't draw 3 hydrohalogenation reactions). 2. Your reactions must yield only one major product. (For each reaction that yields more than one major product, I will deduct 2 points.) 3. DO NOT draw the products to the reaction, you will leave that for your classmates
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Here you go! I used some interesting reactions and they fulfil...

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