Rider University Jason Jacobsohn Speaker Report Paper

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Business Finance

Rider University


You will write a double-spaced, one-page report, individually, for every guest speaker. In this report you will discuss the insights you gained during the presentation.

The speaker is

Jason Jacobsohn lives and breathes venture capital. Jason launched Propellant Ventures, a Seed stage venture capital fund in Chicago. Before that, he was a Principal at Bascom Ventures, a private, for-profit venture capital fund. To top it all off, Jason is the Managing Director of the Chicago chapter of Founder Institute, the world’s largest pre-seed technology accelerator.

then answer this question in half of page

As Jason weaved through his story and experiences in the venture capital world, he discussed the importance of networking and "getting connected". In fact, according to him, this was his greatest piece of advice.

Your task in this thread is to discuss what you are currently doing to connect with others in a professional context. Evaluate your current efforts and then discuss what you would like to do better moving forward.

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Explanation & Answer




Speech Analysis: Jason Jacobsohn

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The speech by Jason Jacobsohn gives excellent insights into building a relationship and
networking. He says that during summer, people are calmer, thus having more opportunities.
According to Jacobsohn, there are various ways to create connections and pursue diverse
opportunities, especially employment. First, reach out to people and schedule some drinks since
they are less busy. Meeting somebody is more comfortable than connecting through phone calls
or emails. Secondly, host your gatherings while attending outdoor events too. Personal
conferences bring the existing ...

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