Wilmington University Wk 12 Pollution Effects On People Health Research Paper

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Health Medical

Wilmington University


For Week 12's research paper, you will complete a thorough analysis of scientific research. Selecting primary sources by using the Library's databases (Links to an external site.) specifically for science, you will pick an article that outlines research being done. After selecting an issue, you will conduct a research investigation, identifying appropriate resources for researching the issue, developing a question related to the issue, and applying principles of biology to your issue and question. You will submit a 2-3 page paper explaining the research, methods used, data, and results.

The following elements must be addressed:

I. Introduction: In this section, you will discuss your issue and select resources that you can use to research the issue. This will lead you to the development of a research question related to your issue.

Specifically, you should:

  1. Describe the issue that you have selected to investigate. Why is this issue significant?
  2. Describe at least three scientific resources that you could use to investigate the issue you selected. Your sources must be relevant to your issue and must be of an academic nature appropriate for the issue. Remember to use the University’s Library (Links to an external site.) and Student Success Center (Links to an external site.) to help you with this. In your description, consider questions such as:
    • What are the similarities and differences in the content of your sources?
    • What makes them appropriate and relevant for investigating your issue?
    • What was your thought process when you were searching for sources? Why did you choose the articles you chose?
  3. Based on your review of science resources, develop a specific question related to the issue you selected. In other words, what would you like to know more about?

II. Body: In this section, you will use the resources that you selected to investigate your question, focusing on the scientific principles related to the issue. Make sure to cite your sources.

  1. Formulate a hypothesis (remember the if... then... because... format) that addresses the question you developed. Make sure your hypothesis is based on your investigation of your question.
  2. Explain what research has shown and its impacts on your topic. For instance, if you are discussing a new treatment for cancer, what are the pros and cons? Is it a complete solution or a stepping stone to finding a better cure?

III. Conclusion: In this section, you will conclude your research investigation by discussing future directions for the debate on your issue.

Specifically, you should:

  1. Explain any next steps that a scientist could take to further research your topic.
  2. Predict complications or issues that might arise that would affect your topic.

IV. Provide a reference list, in APA format (Links to an external site.), that includes all of the resources you used to investigate your issue and question.

This is the Overall Assignment ^

But I also need this in a little sepereate Document

This week you will submit a topic AND question of your choosing to research. It must be based in biological research. Ideas could include a specific treatment for a disease (like cancer), genetically modified organisms for food production, or a new study on pesticide use and bee decline.

Some examples:

  • How do genetically modified foods affect human health?
  • How does tobacco contribute to cancer?
  • How are bees affected by pesticides?
  • How does climate change influence oceans?
  • How does chemotherapy affect cancer patients' overall health?

Try exploring some of the journals to help you pick a topic. For instance, the library has a subscription to journals like Science.

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Research Paper Rubric Research Paper Rubric Criteria Introduction Ratings 20 to >18.4 pts A Described the issue with detail; explaining significance to people and society. Described at least three scientific resources, including a comparison of the information from the sources. Developed a specific question related to the issue that shows insight into the research. 18.4 to >16.6 pts B Described the issue with some detail; explaining significance to people and society. Described at least three scientific resources, but a comparison of the information from the sources may not be fully identified or clear. Developed a specific question related to the issue with some relevance to the topic. 16.6 to >14.8 pts C Described the issue with minimum detail; significance to people and society missing or weakly explained. Described at least two scientific resources, but a comparison of the information from the sources may not be fully identified or clear. Developed a question related to the issue but relevancy is questionable. Pts 14.8 to >13 pts D Identified the issue with minimum detail; significance to people and society missing or weakly explained. Described at least two scientific resources, but a comparison of the information from the sources is missing or unclear. Developed a question related to the issue but may be irrelevant. 13 to >0 pts F Does not give detail into topic and its significance. Missing at least two sources required. No comparison of sources offered. Question is missing or lacking substance and/or relevance. 20 pts Research Paper Rubric Criteria Body Ratings 20 to >18.4 pts A Formulates a hypothesis that addresses the question the student developed in the introduction. Explains what the research has shown with predicted and actual impacts to larger systems (populations, environments, species, etc.). 18.4 to >16.6 pts B Formulates a hypothesis that addresses the question the student developed in the introduction, but needs revision. Explains what the research has shown with some accuracy. Prediction and actual impacts to larger systems evident but may be questionable in terms of relevance. 16.6 to >14.8 pts C Formulates a hypothesis, but needs major revisions. Explains what the research has shown with questionable accuracy. Prediction and actual impacts to larger systems is weakly supported. Pts 14.8 to >13 pts D Hypothesis is weak with limited connection to topic. Weak explanation of the research with little detail. Prediction of impacts to larger systems is ineffective or irrelevant. 13 to >0 pts F Hypothesis is weak or missing. Minimal or no explanation of the research. No prediction of impacts to larger systems. 20 pts Research Paper Rubric Criteria Conclusion Ratings 20 to >18.4 pts A Explains, in detail, the next steps that a scientist could complete in order to further research the topic. Predicts and suggests any complications or issues that might arise that would affect the topic selected with supporting evidence. 18.4 to >16.6 pts B Explains the next steps that a scientist could complete in order to further research the topic. Predicts and suggests any complications or issues that might arise that would affect the topic selected with limited evidence. 16.6 to >14.8 pts C Explains the next steps that a scientist could complete in order to further research the topic with some inaccuracies. Predicts and suggests any complications or issues that might arise that would affect the topic without supporting evidence. Pts 14.8 to >13 pts D Weak explanation of the next steps a scientist could take to complete further research or is irrelevant and/or inaccurate. Prediction is weak or very unlikely. Suggestions of complications seem farfetched. No supporting evidence given. 13 to >0 pts F No explanation of the next steps a scientist could take to further the research. No prediction or suggestions of issues or complications indicated. 20 pts Research Paper Rubric Criteria APA Formatting Writing Mechanics Ratings 20 to >18.4 pts A Documents sources using APA formatting accurately and consistently. Paper follows proper APA formatting. 18.4 to >16.6 pts B Documents sources using APA formatting with minor violations. 1-2 errors in APA format in paper, citations, references, etc. 20 to >18.4 pts A Uses complete sentences with no spelling or grammatical errors. 16.6 to >14.8 pts C Documents sources using APA formatting with major violations. 3-4 errors in APA format in paper, citations, references, etc. 18.4 to >16.6 pts B 1-2 errors in spelling and/or grammar noted. Pts 14.8 to >13 pts D Reflects incomplete knowledge of APA formatting. 5-6 errors in APA format in paper, citations, references, etc. 16.6 to >14.8 pts C 2-3 errors in spelling and/or grammar noted. 13 to >0 pts F Does not attempt to document sources in APA format. More than 6 errors in APA format in paper, citations, references, etc. A zero is earned if APA format is not followed. 14.8 to >13 pts D 4-5 errors in spelling and/or grammar noted. 13 to >0 pts F More than 6 errors in spelling and/or grammar. 20 pts 20 pts
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Pollution Effects On People Health
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Pollution Effects On People Health
The issue to discuss in this paper is environmental pollution due to industrialization and
urbanization. Environmental pollution is an important topic worth discussing and research
because it negatively affects human lives, such as an increase in the number of diseases and
resistance to the available therapeutics. Appannagari (2017) describes pollution as the
introduction of waste substances or likely hazards that will harm one's health or lead to harmful
effects on the ecosystem. It is related to Manisalidis et al. (2020) understanding of pollution,
whereby the authors consider pollution as the main source of recent climate change. Sun et al.
(2020) understanding of pollution is similar to that of Appannagari (2017) and Manisalidis et al.
(2020), considering Sun et al. (2020) understand pollution as a major disaster to the children.
The major difference in pollutions is that Appannagari (2017) majors her research on
general environmental degradation due to human activities. Manisalidis et al. (2020) majors their
research on air pollution, and Sun et al. (2020) major their research on pollution's effects on
children. These resources are worth investigating the issue of environmental pollution because
they exhaustively describe the causes of different forms of pollutions and the effects of this
pollution on human beings and other living things. My thought process while searching for these
sources was that pollution is not a biological issue. I choose these articles because they
comprehensively describe the biological aspects of pollution in the environment. This paper will
address the research question, "what are the effects of environmental pollution on human lives?"
The hypothesis to address in this paper is, "if humans understand the causes and the
effects of pollution, they will develop possible solutions to reducing pollution because
environmental pollution has negative effects on human lives." All forms of pollution greatly
affect the health of human beings and also other living organisms. For instance, air pollution



affects the air, and when we breathe in, it becomes harmful to our bodies. Soil pollution involves
emitting toxic wastes into the soil leading to the death of plants death or the development of
health complications when people consume these plants. Children with an impaired immune
system are highly susceptible to the impac...

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