SCMG 201 APU Characteristics of A Supply Chain Network Presentation

User Generated


Business Finance

SCMG 201

American Public Univerity



Course Objectives:

  • CO1: Appraise the stages, activities, and organizational functions important to a successful supply chain network.

  • CO2: Examine current trends in supply chain management (SCM) shaping how supply networks are designed and managed
  • CO3: Evaluate the four building blocks of a supply network strategy and how they work together to form an effective supply chain

Assignment Prompt:

This week's project involves to create a PowerPoint Slide Program that introduces, explains, and evaluates one of the following subjects (your choice):

  • The interaction of products, funds, and information in an effective supply chain network
  • The differences between a product-oriented and service-oriented supply chain network
  • Trends impacting today's supply chain network and management
  • The importance of cooperation and coordination between different organizational functions within a supply chain network
  • The characteristics of a competitive supply chain network


The slide program should have:

  1. A minimum of 12 slides (more will be needed for better detail and a better. . .)
  2. A template appropriate to Supply Chain Management
  3. An introductory slide that informs your audience of the subject
  4. Art, photographs, clip art, and graphics to enhance every slide
  5. Your slides should refer to a minimum of 3 references. Cite and reference (on the last page) according to APA 6
  6. Use bullet lists, not long paragraphs
  7. Insert speaker's notes at the bottom of each page to expand on and explain your main points.
  8. Include a summation slide at the end that tells your reader what key points they should take away from the presentation.

Please review the attached rubric prior to beginning this assignment

Project 1 is due by this Sunday midnight. Use the following file saving convention JSmith_Project1

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer


Characteristics of a Supply
Chain Network
Student’s Name

❖Supply chain involves delivering of requested products
❖Products should be delivered in the right quality

❖The implementation stage involves various characteristics
❖The supply chain is usually involved in decision making
❖Supply chain has shifted operations from mundane to

❖Sustainability applies in supply chain operations
❖Supply chain has a direct impact on the environment

❖It seeks to ensures that companies utilize resources well
❖It analyzes how we handle our environment
❖Companies should address sustainability topics

❖It refers to an integrated approach in supply chain
❖Seeks to establish common goals across the supply chain
❖A unified supply chai...

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