SOWK 7357 OLLU Week 3 Things that I Can Do to Achieve My Goals Discussion

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sowk 7357

Our Lady of the Lake University



  1. Create and submit a written script of your video discussion. You must type out your comments verbatim. The goal is to show organization of thought prior to recording your video post. Use APA style citations to reference readings discussed in your video discussion. These references can be from both the assigned readings and outside sources.
  2. Record approximately a 3-5 minute video that addresses the following:
    • Considering the Worden School of Social Work's mission, what are your goals for field placement?
    • What can you do now to be intentional about achieving the goals you identify?
    • Explain the nature and purpose of field education supervision and how you will effectively use supervision to promote your professional development.
    • Notes
      • Your written transcript can be produced in Word and submitted electronically in this assignment. There is no set format. The instructor will be looking for proof of effective prior planning and preparation for your video presentation, as well as accuracy of text compared to your recording.
      • Name video as: Week # - Topic - Student Name (i.e. Week 3 - Assessment - Student Name)
      • To receive full credit, all integrative topics listed in the assignment outline must be addressed. The video recording must show integration of field placement experience along with the unit readings and outside

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Explanation & Answer

Here you go- lmk if you need anything.

Hello, my name is Antonio. I am pursuing an education in social work. This is important to me because of
my past work with Veterans. One step towards becoming a social worker is a hands-on experience. I am
excited about my placement.
2. Goals for Placement
Walden's school mission includes developing competent social workers to assist in culturally diverse
settings. Specifically, areas that have a low socioeconomic status (Warden School of Social Service).
Walden’s mission also includes promoting social justice.
Goals for social wor...

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