San Diego State University Sports Trade Valuation Safe Harbor Presentation

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Business Finance

San Diego State University


Prepare a 4 to 5 minute PowerPoint presentation on your article, which will be about a current topic in the accounting profession. You will need to provide more information than is in the article, so I expect to see at least two sources (assigned article and another source) cited for your presentation. Consider relevant issues such as the history of the subject, the impact on the career of a new accounting professional, and any other matters that may be important.

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9/19/2019 Safe harbor issued for valuing pro sports trades - Journal of Accountancy This site uses cookies to store information on your computer. Some are essential to make our site work; others help ✖ us improve the user experience. By using the site, you consent to the placement of these cookies. Read our privacy policy (/info/privacy-policy.html) to learn more. Journal of Accountancy Safe harbor issued for valuing pro sports trades By Sally P. Schreiber, J.D. April 11, 2019 Professional sports teams that trade player contracts or draft picks will not have to value the contracts or draft picks when determining their gain or loss on the trade under a safe harbor issued by the IRS on Thursday (Rev. Proc. 2019-18 ( The guidance allows teams to treat certain personnel contracts and rights to draft players as having a zero value for determining gain or loss to be recognized for federal income tax purposes on the trade of a personnel contract or a draft pick. The IRS is offering this safe harbor because it recognizes that the value of the future performance of an athlete or draft pick involved in a trade is highly subjective, especially in light of each team’s circumstances at the time. To avoid controversy with the IRS over the amount of gain or loss, the safe harbor permits the parties to the trade that are subject to federal income tax in the United States to treat the value of the personnel and/or draft picks as zero if certain conditions are satisfied To use the safe harbor, each team that is a party to the trade must treat the trade on its respective tax return consistent with the revenue procedure if the team is subject to federal income tax in the United States. All parties to the trade must transfer and receive a personnel contract or draft pick and no other property other than a personnel contract, draft pick, or cash; the exchange cannot involve any amortizable Sec. 197 intangibles. In addition, the financial statements of teams that are parties to the trade must not reflect assets or liabilities resulting from the trade other than cash. If no cash is involved in the trade, no party recognizes a gain or loss on the trade. Teams that receive cash in the exchange must include in the amount realized the amount of the cash received. A team providing cash in the trade has a basis in the personnel contract or draft pick of the amount of the cash transferred. If a team provides no cash in a trade, the personnel contract or draft pick received has a basis of zero. A team providing cash in exchange for multiple contracts or draft picks must allocate the basis received for each contract or pick by dividing the basis by the total number of contracts or picks received. The safe harbor applies only to trades of personnel contracts or draft picks among teams in professional sports leagues; it does not apply to trades of one team for another team. 1/2 9/19/2019 Safe harbor issued for valuing pro sports trades - Journal of Accountancy The revenue procedure has five examples illustrating the application of the safe harbor. The procedure applies to agreements about trades of personnel contracts or draft picks entered into by professional sports teams after April 10, 2019, but can be applied to any open tax year. — Sally P. Schreiber, J.D., ( ( is a JofA senior editor. © 2019 Association of International Certified Professional Accountants. All rights reserved. 2/2
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Sports Trade
Valuation-Safe Harbor

Safe Harbor
• A regulation that ensure individuals or organizations avoids liabilities for
their activities (Murray, 2020).

• It is a statutory provision that provides that specific conduct should not be
considered as a violation of a given rule

• In accounting, Safe harbor could be defined as an accounting method that
is protected from certain tax regulations (Murray, 2020).

• Safe harbor can be used in the context of law, real estate and taxation

Safe Harbor For professional sports teams
• The IRS gave a New revenue procedure for professional sports teams to
apply during their trades

• Contract value is treated as zero value when certain conditions are fulfilled
(Schreiber, 2019).

• This requi...

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