ECOM 425 SEU Web Design Requirements to Enhance Online Activity Utilization Ques

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Business Finance

ECOM 425

Saudi electronic university



Under the Covid Pandemic Situation, many organizations move to functionalize virtually. The different fields like health care, education, entertainment, media, marketing, communication, services etc.,.

Restrictions on movement and trade because of the Covid-19 pandemic have led to a significant shift in consumer behavior in Saudi Arabia, with locals increasingly turning to digital channels. Retailers may need to adapt their supply chains in response to shifting market dynamics. "Vertical integration is a pivotal development strategy, especially considering the recent spike in demand for e-commerce and fresh food delivery, which Saudi Arabia's supply can hardly meet”.

To prevent a systemic economic collapse and support the recovery, governments are rolling out a vast array of measures aiming at supporting ailing companies. Big Data holds the key to identifying issues across the entire supply chain, helping to plan for and instantly adapt to changing circumstances.


1. As a web analyst, suggest the web design requirements to enhance the utilization of online activity.

2. Is it advisable to start a new online business during this pandemic situation?

3. Discuss the Total cost ownership for emerging virtual organization.

4. Narrate the importance of Big data maintenance due to increase of virtual activities.

5. In case of globalized cloud based data sharing, analyze the possibilities of data insecurity, data loss, hacking, etc.,

Two minimum number of required references and reference style (APA, Harvard...etc.)

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Saudi Electronic University College of Administrative and Financial Sciences E-commerce Department Assignment 1: Critical Thinking. Student Name: Student ID: Course Title: Course Code: Academic Year/ Semester: CRN: Instructor Name: Student Grade: Grade Level: Assignment 1: Critical Thinking. The Answers of this Assignment can include Charts, Tables and relevant Snap shots. Etc. if needed. The Assignment file must be in Word file Maximum Grades: 10 Duration: 4 Weeks Number of Words for Each Answer: 100 to 150 Words Under the Covid Pandemic Situation, many organizations move to functionalize virtually. The different fields like health care, education, entertainment, media, marketing, communication, services etc.,. Restrictions on movement and trade because of the Covid-19 pandemic have led to a significant shift in consumer behavior in Saudi Arabia, with locals increasingly turning to digital channels. Retailers may need to adapt their supply chains in response to shifting market dynamics. "Vertical integration is a pivotal development strategy, especially considering the recent spike in demand for e-commerce and fresh food delivery, which Saudi Arabia's supply can hardly meet”. To prevent a systemic economic collapse and support the recovery, governments are rolling out a vast array of measures aiming at supporting ailing companies. Big Data holds the key to identifying issues across the entire supply chain, helping to plan for and instantly adapt to changing circumstances. Questions 1. As a web analyst, suggest the web design requirements to enhance the utilization of online activity.(2 Marks) 2. Is it advisable to start a new online business during this pandemic situation? .(2 Marks) 3. Discuss the Total cost ownership for emerging virtual organization. .(2 Marks) 4. Narrate the importance of Big data maintenance due to increase of virtual activities. (2 Marks) 5. In case of globalized cloud based data sharing, analyze the possibilities of data insecurity, data loss, hacking, etc., .(2 Marks)
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Explanation & Answer


Saudi Electronic University
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
E-commerce Department

Assignment 1: Critical Thinking.

Student Name:

Student ID:

Course Title:

Course Code:

Academic Year/ Semester:


Instructor Name:
Student Grade:

Grade Level:

Assignment 1: Critical Thinking.
The Answers of this Assignment can include Charts, Tables and relevant
Snap shots. Etc. if needed. The Assignment file must be in Word file
Maximum Grades: 10
Duration: 4 Weeks
Number of Words for Each Answer: 100 to 150 Words
Under the Covid Pandemic Situation, many organizations move to functionalize virtually. The
different fields like health care, education, entertainment, media, marketing, communication,
services etc.,.
Restrictions on movement and trade because of the Covid-19 pandemic have led to a significant
shift in consumer behavior in Saudi Arabia, with locals increasingly turning to digital channels.
Retailers may need to adapt their supply chains in response to shifting market dynamics. "Vertical
integration is a pivotal development strategy, especially considering the recent spike in demand
for e-commerce and fresh food delivery, which Saudi Arabia's supply can hardly meet”.

To prevent a systemic economic collapse and support the recovery, governments are rolling out a
vast array of measures aiming at supporting ailing companies. Big Data holds the key to identifying
issues across the entire supply chain, helping to plan for and instantly adapt to changing

Q1. Requirements of web design requirements to enhance online activity utilization
A website’s conversion rate and usability rate reflect the kind of experience all web users
have when visiting websites. Websites’ success rides on its conversion rates and rates of
usability by users. The higher the conversion and usability rates, the more the success of the
website (Järvinen & Karjaluoto, 2015). As a web analyst, I would recommend websites to have
the following to enhance the utilization of online activity. The first web requirement is for
websites to have mobile compatibility as more website users use smart phones to access the
internet. Websites should be easily accessible to all users and be user friendly. The information
on the website should be well planned and structured in an organized manner. The website

categories and sections should display website content in a way that is easy to find. Website
users usually skim through the internet and do not read every word (Singh, 2016). Therefore, the
website content should be well ...

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