Coloration Amongst Species Affects the Overall Adaption of The Organism Essay

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Here is my insight my professor gave on my topic, please follow it.

"This is more focused, and I think you'll find it more workable; the papers look appropriate, too. You may want to further restrict focus to one kind of organism (lizards OR birds) and one type of effect from coloration, but I think you're okay to go forward."

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INSTRUCTIONS AND RURBRIC FOR RESEARCH PAPERS Each student will choose an evolutionary topic of interest and research it in greater depth, then report the results in a short paper. Use Google Scholar to explore possible topics, and tell me your chosen topic and two peer-reviewed papers you've found covering that topic by the start of class on Wednesday, October 7. When I approve your topic, continue your research until you have at least five peer-reviewed papers, and write a three-page research paper synthesizing what those papers have to say. A complete draft of the paper is due for peer review by Wednesday, October 21. After peer review, you'll have time to revise the paper, and a final version will be due before class on Monday, November 30. The paper should be no more than three pages long, and formatted as a professional manuscript: double-spaced, in 12-point Roman-type font with 1-inch margins, and with a title and your name on the first page. Don't use a cover page. Use "Harvard" style (name, year) format for in-text references and your Works Cited - see guide for details. (For citing journal articles, we usually don't include page numbers.) You should upload the draft and final papers in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format via the appropriate Canvas assignments. Papers will be graded on a 100-point scale, as follows: Process - Completed participation in the structured writing process • Proposed a suitable topic on schedule (by Wednesday, October 7) Turned in draft paper on schedule (by Monday, October 21) • Provided constructive feedback in peer review Topic – The paper clearly relates to a topic covered in class Content - The paper • Defines its topic clearly and correctly • Goes beyond what is covered in the textbook and lecture Cites at least five peer-reviewed papers presenting original research /10 Accurately describes the results presented in cited papers /15 Meaningfully synthesizes the results presented in cited papers /20 Presentation - The paper Is no more than three double-spaced pages long • Is correctly formatted as described above • Does not have too many spelling or grammar errors Uses correct in-text citations and Works Cited entries • Is well structured, using separate paragraphs for separate ideas, and building good logical flow over the course of the whole paper 15 15 15 15 15 15 /S 15 15 15 TOTAL /100 Evolutionary Biology, Fall 2020 As of 22 August 2020 Page 7 of 7
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Surname 1
If coloration amongst species affects the overall adaption of the organism
Species coloration can be described as a particular species' overall appearance due to
light emission or reflection from its exterior features. Species coloration relies on few factors that
include the distribution and color of the species' bio-chromes, precisely the respective
distinctively colored areas location; the posture, organism movement, position and shape, and the
quantity and quality of organism light striking (Valdés2001, p.470). Understanding how
coloration differences relate to species adaptation and performance is essential in comprehending
the maintenance and evolution of different color transformations and continuous color changes
among species. Some animal species may not be readily visible, while others have bright colors.
In several species, males tend to have conspicuous colors, more robust patterns, and shimmery,
such as the peafowl, unlike less visible females (Siefferman, Navara, and Hill, 2006). Species
coloration impacts on the overall organism adaptation. This study aims to identify if species
color affects the species adaptation to specific lifestyles.
Research Objectives
This study's main objective is to identify what species coloration is and its impacts on
species adaptation traits. Another aim was to...

Very useful material for studying!


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