M3 Assignment (35 points)
1. Review the Assignment Guides, which contains tutorials on how to show the math/process work
and examples of assignment answers
2. Use this Word document to fill in the answers to the questions. You must type out a clear
answer to each question, even if the answer is also contained in the SPSS output.
3. Download the Excel file for this assignment and use that data set to answer all the questions in
this assignment. Import the data into SPSS if instructed to do so.
Background of the data set:
A longitudinal project was conducted to study the cognitive functions of elderly residents in a
community. The participants are assessed every few years with a set of cognitive tests. Demographic
and health information was also collected. The data set for this assignment has been adapted from the
data from that project. Note that this data set is similar to the M2 data set but with more variables.
Data Preparation: (2 points total)
Create an SPSS data file from the provided Excel data set by importing the data into SPSS. Paste a screen
shot of the variable view of the data file to show the following:
- All variables are present in the “Data View”
- Each variable is correctly configured in “Measure” under the “Variable View”
- All nominal/ordinal variables have the “Values” specified.
(2 points total: Deduct .5 for each missing/incorrect element up to 2 points total)
Q1. Perform and Interpret a t Test with SPSS (11 points total)
The researchers want to examine the participant demographic information collected from the first
testing session. Run a two-tailed t test with α = .05 to answer the following question:
Are the females and males significantly different in age at the first testing session (“Age1”)?
A. What type of t test should be performed to answer this question? What is your rationale?
(2 points total: 1 for each question)
B. Create alternative hypothesis and null hypothesis from the research question. Type the hypotheses
out both in words and in symbol notations.
Hint: The hypotheses should be non-directional for the two-tailed test.
(2 points total: 1 for each hypothesis. If symbol notation or written format is missing or incorrect for a hypothesis,
deduct .5)
C. Run the analysis in SPSS and answer the following questions based on the analysis results.
1. Paste all the output tables from SPSS for this test. No point will be earned for the rest of the questions
in Q1 if the output tables are not pasted or are incomplete.
2. Use the SPSS output to calculate effect size, Cohen’s d. Must show the calculation process.
(2 points: deduct 1 if the process is correct but the calculation has errors.)
3. Report the t test result in symbols according to the APA standards, including t statistic with degree of
freedom, p value, and effect size d.
-Present all the items in one single line, separated by commas, with the symbols italicized.
-Report “p < .001” if SPSS output shows the p value to be “.000”
(2 points: deduct .5 for each error in value or format up to 3 total)
4. What is your decision about the null hypothesis (reject or fail to reject)? What is your rationale? (2
points total: 1 for each answer)
5. What is the answer to the research question? (1 point)
Q2. Perform and Interpret a t Test with SPSS (11 points total)
The researcher would like to know if memory function changes significantly from the first testing session
(Mem1) to the second testing session (Mem2). Perform a two-tailed t test with α = .05 to answer the
following question:
Is memory in the second testing session significantly different from memory in the first testing session?
A. What type of t test should be performed to answer this question? What is your rationale?
(2 points total: 1 for each question)
B. Create alternative hypothesis and null hypothesis from the research question. Type the hypotheses
out both in words and in symbol notations.
Hint: The hypotheses should be non-directional for the two-tailed test.
(2 points total: 1 for each hypothesis. If symbol notation or written format is missing or incorrect for a hypothesis,
deduct .5)
C. Run the analysis in SPSS and answer the following questions based on the analysis results.
1. Paste all the output tables from SPSS for this test. No point will be earned for the rest of the questions
in Q2 if the output tables are not pasted or are incomplete.
2. Use the SPSS output to calculate effect size, Cohen’s d. Must show the calculation process.
(2 points: deduct 1 if the process is correct but the calculation has errors.)
3. Report the t test result in symbols according to the APA standards, including t statistic with degree of
freedom, p value, and effect size d.
-Present all the items in one single line, separated by commas, with the symbols italicized.
-Report “p < .001” if SPSS output shows the p value to be “.000”
(2 points: deduct .5 for each error in value or format up to 3 total)
4. What is your decision about the null hypothesis (reject or fail to reject)? What is your rationale? (2
points total: 1 for each answer)
5. What is the answer to the research question? What was the direction of change in memory function
from the first session to the second session? (1 point: .5 for each question)
Q3. Select, perform, and interpret a t test with SPSS (11 points total)
The researcher would like to examine the potential relationship between education and executive
function assessed during the first testing session (EF1). In this data set, education is indicated by either
having no college degree or having a college degree or above. Perform a two-tailed t test with α = .05 to
answer the following question:
Is there a significant difference in executive function between people without a college degree and
those with a college degree or above?
A. What type of t test should be performed to answer this question? What is your rationale?
(2 points total: 1 for each question)
B. Create alternative hypothesis and null hypothesis from the research question. Type the hypotheses
out both in words and in symbol notations.
Hint: The hypotheses should be non-directional for the two-tailed test.
(2 points total: 1 for each hypothesis. If symbol notation or written format is missing or incorrect for a hypothesis,
deduct .5)
C. Run the analysis in SPSS and answer the following questions based on the analysis results.
1. Paste all the output tables from SPSS for this test. No point will be earned for the rest of the questions
in Q3 if the output tables are not pasted or are incomplete.
2. Use the SPSS output to calculate effect size, Cohen’s d. Must show the calculation process.
(2 points: deduct 1 if the process is correct but the calculation has errors.)
3. Report the t test result in symbols according to the APA standards, including t statistic with degree of
freedom, p value, and effect size d.
-Present all the items in one single line, separated by commas, with the symbols italicized.
-Report “p < .001” if SPSS output shows the p value to be “.000”
(2 points: deduct .5 for each error in value or format up to 3 total)
4. What is your decision about the null hypothesis (reject or fail to reject)? What is your rationale? (2
points total: 1 for each answer)
5. What is the answer to the research question? What was the direction of the difference between these
two groups? (1 point: .5 for each question)
M4 Assignment (35 points)
1. Review the Assignment Guides, which contains tutorials on how to show the math/process work
and examples of assignment answers
2. Use this Word document to fill in the answers to the questions. You must type out a clear
answer to each question, even if the answer is also contained in the SPSS output.
3. Download the Excel file for this assignment and use that data set to answer all the questions in
this assignment. Import the data into SPSS if instructed to do so.
Information about the data set for Q1 and Q2:
A longitudinal project was conducted to study the executive and memory functions of elderly residents
in a community. The participants were assessed every few years with a set of cognitive tests.
Demographic and health information was also collected. The data set for Q1 and Q2 has been adapted
from the data from that project.
Data Preparation for Q1 and Q2 (1 point)
Create an SPSS data file from the data set by importing “Q1Q2 data” into SPSS and then configure the
variables properly. Take a screen shot of the variable view of the data file and paste it here to show the
- All variables are imported
- All variables are configured correctly in “Measure” under the “Variable View”
- The “Values” are correctly specified for all nominal or ordinal variables
(1 point: deduct .5 for each error up to 1 total)
Q1. Perform and Interpret a One-Way ANOVA (9 points total)
The researchers would like to know if people’s education level affects the amount of decline in executive
function as they age. For this analysis, “Education” is categorized into three levels and the change in
executive function (“EFChange”) has been calculated by subtracting the EF score at the first testing
session from the EF score at the second testing session. Perform an ANOVA to with α = .05 to answer
the following question:
Is there a significant difference in the change of executive function across different education levels?
A. What is the null and alternative hypotheses (in words)? What are the DV and IV?
(2 points total: .5 for each hypothesis, .5 for each variable)
B. Perform the ANOVA in SPSS, including Descriptives and Homogeneity of Variance Test.
Paste the entire output for this analysis here.
If any table is missing, no point will be earned for the rest of the questions in Q1.
C. Was the test for homogeneity of variance significant? What does it tell us about the assumption of
equal variances among the groups?
(1 points total: .5 for each answer)
D. Calculate the effect size ƞ2 for this analysis. Be sure to type out the calculation process and round it to
3 decimal places for the final result.
(1 point: deduct .5 if the process is correct but the result is incorrect)
E. Report the results of the one-way ANOVA using symbols in the APA format, including the F statistic,
the p value, and the effect size ƞ2. See the APA guide for reporting statistics in “Assignment Guides.”
(2 points total: deduct .5 for each error in value or format up to 2 total)
F. What is the decision about the null hypothesis (reject or fail to reject) based on the test result? What
is the answer to the research question?
(2 point, 1 for each question)
G. If post hoc analysis was necessary, list each pair of groups with a significant difference and report the
p value from the comparison. Be sure to paste the relevant table here to support your answer. If post
hoc analysis was not necessary, skip this question and go to question H.
(1 point)
H. If post hoc analysis was not necessary, plot a bar or line graph to show the mean change in executive
function for the different education groups. Paste the graph here.
(1 point)
Q2. Comparing One-Way ANOVA with Independent-Samples t Test (15 points total)
The researchers would like to examine the participants’ living arrangements to see if it is related to the
amount of decline in cognitive functions in the aging process. Specifically, the participants reported
whether they lived alone or with a spouse or partner (“Household”), and the researchers identify the
change in memory function from the first testing session to the second testing session (MemChange) as
the variable for cognitive change. Perform an ANOVA with α = .05 to answer the following question:
Does the change in memory function differ significantly between those living alone and those living with
a partner?
A. What is the null and alternative hypotheses (in words)? What are the DV and IV?
(2 points total: .5 for each hypothesis, .5 for each variable)
B. Perform the ANOVA in SPSS, including descriptives and homogeneity of variance test.
Paste the entire output for this analysis here.
If any table is missing, no point will be earned for the rest of the questions (C-H) in Q2.
C. Was the test for homogeneity of variance significant? What does it tell us about the assumption of
equal variances among the groups?
(1 points total: .5 for each answer)
D. Calculate the effect size ƞ2 for this analysis. Be sure to type out the calculation process and round it to
3 decimal places for the final result.
(1 point: deduct .5 if the process is correct but the result is incorrect)
E. Report the results of the one-way ANOVA using symbols in the APA format, including the F statistic,
the p value, and the effect size ƞ2. See the APA guide for reporting statistics in “Assignment Guides.”
(2 points total: deduct .5 for each error in value or format up to 2 total)
F. What is the decision about the null hypothesis (reject or fail to reject) based on the test result? What
is the answer to the research question?
(2 point, 1 for each question)
G. If post hoc analysis is necessary, list each pair of groups with a significant difference and report the p
value from the comparison. Be sure to paste the relevant table here to support your answer. If post hoc
analysis is not necessary, skip this question and go to question H.
(1 point)
H. If post hoc analysis is not necessary, plot a bar or line graph to show the mean change in executive
function for the different education groups. Paste the graph here.
(1 point)
I. Because this analysis is only comparing two groups of data points, it is also possible to perform and t
test to answer the research question. Perform the appropriate t test with α = .05.
Paste the entire output for this analysis here.
If any table is missing, no point will be earned for the rest of the questions (J, K, L) in Q2.
J. Does the Levene’s test for equality of variances lead to the same conclusion as the Homogeneity of
variance test for the ANOVA? How do you know?
(1 point: .5 for each question)
Calculate the effect size for this t test. Be sure to include the calculation process.
(1 point: deduct .5 if the process is correct but the result is incorrect)
K. Report the t test result in symbols according to the APA standards, including t statistic with degree of
freedom, p value, and effect size d. Hint: Be sure to check the Levene’s test result so that you will report
the correct t test result.
(2 points total: deduct .5 for each error in value or format up to 2 total)
L. Compare the t test result (from K) with the ANOVA result (from E).
-Discuss your observation from the comparison. (Any logical observation is acceptable.)
-Will the t test lead to the same answer to the research question as the ANOVA?
(1 point: .5 for each question)
Data Preparation for Q3
For this question set, import the worksheet “Q3data” into SPSS to create a new data file. This data set
contains reading comprehension scores from a group of elementary school children who were in a
special reading program. These children were tested when they entered the reading program at third
grade, and then tested again at fourth grade, and finally tested as they leave the program at fifth grade.
Take a screen shot of the variable view of the data file and paste it here to show the following:
- All variables are imported
- All variables are configured correctly in “Measure” under the “Variable View”
- The “Values” are correctly specified for all nominal or ordinal variables
(1 point: deduct .5 for each error up to 1 total)
Q3. Perform and interpret a one-way repeated-measures ANOVA (9 points total)
To see if the reading program leads to significant improvement on reading comprehension, the
researchers want to compare the three test scores at the three grade levels. Perform a one-way
repeated-measured ANOVA to answer the following question:
Is reading comprehension significantly different across the three grade levels?
A. What is the null and alternative hypotheses (in words)? What are the IV and DV in this research
question? (2 points total: 1 for each question.)
B. Run the ANOVA with the following options:
-Estimate of effect size
Paste the entire output for this analysis here.
If any table is missing, no point will be earned for the rest of the questions in Q3.
C. Examine the Sphericity test result.
- Report the test of sphericity result (p value)
- Explain whether the assumption is met.
(1 point: .5 for each item.)
D. Report the test result in APA format (including F statistic, p value, and partial 2).
(2 points total: deduct .5 for each error in value or format up to 2 total)
E. What is the decision regarding the null hypothesis (reject or fail to reject)? What is the answer to the
research question based on the test result?
(1 points total: .5 for each item.)
F. Run the same ANOVA again, but this time request “contrasts” to compare each level with every other
level. Follow the steps below to complete this question:
1. Run the repeated-measures ANOVA, then request simple contrasts for the variable of “Grade”, with
“Last” level as the reference category. This will compare each level with the “last” level.
2. Run the repeated-measures ANOVA, then request simple contrasts for the variable of “Grade”, with
“First” level as the reference category. This will compare each level with the “first” level.
3. Paste the two tables “Tests of Within-Subjets Contrasts” below.
4. Report the result of each of the contrasts, including F statistics (with df’s) and p value. Determine if
there is a significant different in reading comprehension in each contrast.
(3 points total: 1 for each contrast, .5 for each question within each contrast)
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