Synthesis and research gap, business and finance assignment help

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Business Finance


The literature review of a dissertation is more than a "book report" that summarizes a set of research articles. The literature review is a synthesis of ideas. This synthesis illuminates a gap in the research literature that can be filled by additional research such as a doctoral dissertation. In this assignment, you will synthesize the articles you summarized in the Topic 2 assignment, and you will describe how the synthesis of the articles informs a gap in the research that your dissertation study will fill.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Refer to assignment from Topic 2 and the related instructor feedback on the assignment.
  • Instructors will be using a grading rubric to grade the assignments. It is recommended that learners review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment in order to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.


Locate your completed assignment form Topic 2 and the feedback from your instructor.

Write a paper (1,250-1,500 words) that synthesizes the 10 studies you summarized in the Topic 2 assignment. Do that by including the following in your paper:

  1. A statement of common findings addressed in each of the articles.
  2. A statement of the conclusions that can be drawn when the articles are taken together as a single entity. What is the overall message of the group of articles?
  3. A discussion of how these studies, when taken together, inform the research gap that your dissertation will fill.

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Explanation & Answer




Employee Motivation


Employee Motivation
Common Findings

The motivation of the employees is an important factor in an organization as it helps in
increasing their productivity that eventually leads to increased performance in the organization.
The recognition of the employees’ efforts starts with appreciating what they do and ensuring that
they comprehend that the management appreciates their efforts. The authors of the articles agree
that the management and the different levers of the organization such as the managers at the
frontline have the task to ensure that the needs of the employees are met in the shortest time
possible. The employees place their value on the need to have a system of reward that functions
well. It is also seen from the authors that agree a system that values the performance of the
employees is important in ensuring that their productivity increases. They also agree that the
bond towards the performance of the organization is promoted by the organization culture and
the drive to ensure that the organization gets the best talent.
The employees are also required to comprehend the requirements of their jobs and the
different deliverables that they should deliver. For allocation of the company resources to be fair,
it means that the performance of the organization should be exemplary where they are required
to deliver on the different points that are established. The improvement of the employees’
motivation is determined by the strategies that the company set where the approach of the
motivation issue should be holistic. It makes it important for the organization to become
competitive in the market where they ensure that their performance is high. The organization is
able then to compensate the employees in regard to their performance especially where they are
paying out bonuses.



The articles also agree that the employers are the ones that are tasked with inspiring the
employees when it comes to matters that are related to work. They should create an environment
that is conducive and that ensures that work is carried out without any conflicts. The
expectations of the employees should be considered before the organization can implement the
strategies. They make sure that the employees understand the objectives of the organization so as
to ensure that they deliver as expected. The understanding of the need of motivation for the
company ensures that they have the best skills that they require in the company and provision of
an environment that implements the motivation factors.
The failure of many organizations in recognition of the need for motivation is said to lead
to redundancy of the employees and this might lead to the organization failure. The articles also
look at the environment guidelines that the organization should provide. They should lay
policies and rules that guide the environment of the organization legally and helps in the creation
of an environment that is conducive. The employees should be educated on the policies and
rules to make sure that they understand the implications of their actions in the organization.
Managers are also urged to ensure that there is consistency and fairness when they are dealing
with the employees in their various departments. It helps in increasing their motivation as they
are aware that the managers consider their needs and that the benefits that they get are equal for
all the employees. In such a way their productivity will increase.
Conclusions of the Articles
Several conclusions are drawn from the articles where they all insist on the need for
employee motivation in the organization. They enforce the need of having ...

Awesome! Perfect study aid.


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