LIT 232 Quinsigamond Community College Explore the Mystery Genre Analytical Review

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LIT 232

Quinsigamond Community College



Our focus for Mosley is Redefining the Genre. A literary genre is a category of literary composition. Genres may be determined by literary technique, tone, content, or even (as in the case of fiction) length. The distinctions between genres and categories are flexible and loosely defined, often with subgroups.

The most general genres in literature are epic, tragedy, comedy, and creative nonfiction. Obviously, in this course we’ve been asked to explore the mystery genre. If it helps, start thinking about things that you know: how did Game of Thrones change the fantasy TV genre? How did Richard Pryor change the stand-up comedy genre? You now have the distinct benefit of a robust exploration of the mystery literature genre, so your voice and interpretations have a solid foundation. For example, it will help to look back to Doyle (as one of the forefathers of this genre) and consider how Mosley both pays homage to the roots of the genre while departing from them. To what extent has he maintained some of the same literary features? Wherein, and for what purposes, is he now “paddling his own canoe?” A good place to start, in terms of deciphering the departure, is within the realm of social commentary. Consider how Mosley incorporates content that says something meaningful about people, places, times, etc. For this final paper, I am not going to dictate how your response is organized; instead, I’d like to set you free with this, and invite any number of compositional approaches (in terms of how you organize paragraphs, etc.). Your final paper (50 points) is due on or before

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Explanation & Answer

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Explore the Mystery Genre Outline
✓ A mystery genre is a form of fictional or non-fictional stories whose main theme is
solving criminality elements.
✓ The scenario requires a solution.
✓ Supernatural or non-supernatural.
✓ Creates emotional sense in the audience.
General Plot of Mystery Genres (Characters, Scene, and settings)
✓ It is anchored on crime.
✓ The characters involved are protagonists.
✓ Explores the vulnerabilities of the suspects.
Literary Elements Used in Mystery Genre
✓ It is defined by suspense.
✓ Another literary element is foreshadowing.
✓ Use of inference gaps.
The Four Sub-Groups of Mystery Genres
✓ Detective novels
✓ Cozy mysteries
✓ Police procedural
✓ Caper stories

Mystery genres have been widely used in the past and the present. The mystery stories use
various literary features such as foreshadowing, suspense, imagery, and inference gaps to
influence audiences differently.
✓ Goldman, A. (2011). The Appeal of the Mystery. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art
Criticism, 69(3),






✓ Killmeier, M. (2013). More than Monsters: Dark Fantasy, the Mystery-Thriller, and
Horror's Hete...

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