ENC 1101 University of South Florida Anime Discourse Community Expository Question

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ENC 1101

University of South Florida



Project 2 builds to the delivery of an Expository Overview that informs readers of the literacy practices of a specific discourse community by addressing the organizing question: How does this discourse community use writing to communicate? The integration of content from at least one scholarly source in addition to three pieces of written communications of the discourse community you explore are required, and all content must be formatted according to MLA guidelines and total 1000-1200 words.

The discourse community I chose is a reddit page.


you can find more information about it here: https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/id248i/a_q...

The scholarly source to be used is Swales. and you can add any other sources to strengthen your ideas.


The three pieces are direct quotes from the reddit page. chose whatever you see suitable from the reddit page.

Remember this is an Expository overview. fully informative paper.

Attached you will find a basic outline that you can use to understand what is required. but you are free to use what ever suitable for you.

Some examples of lexis that this community uses are: Otaku, Fillers, Manga, Fanart...etc.

No need to use advanced english vocab, basic english is fine as long as it is grammatically correct.

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Expository Overview Outline How does this discourse community use writing to communicate? Introduction: Discourse communities. Introduce the discourse community you chose (/r/Anime) https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/ Body: Para 1 Shared goals, values, or interests of the DC Methods of communication between members Para 2-4 Using literacy in the community “Episode Discussions - Pretty self-explanatory. These threads are posted when the first English subbed episode of an anime is released. Used to share your thoughts and theories on what happened.” Para 5-6 Different lexis examples and their meanings Conclusion: Small summary of the text, state the answer to the question. Work Cited Swales, John M. “The Concept of Discourse Community: Some Recent Personal History.” Composition Forum, vol. 37, 2017. AnimeMod, “A Quick-Start Guide to /r/Anime.” Reddit, old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/id248i/a_quickstart_guide_to_ranime/, 2020
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Anime Discourse Community
John Swales describes a discourse community as a social group that participates in a twoway communication process. Individuals in the community communicate through written texts.
Hence, Swales insists that discourse communities are formed with active members who share
common values and goals. Essentially, discourse communities utilize strategic
intercommunication mechanisms on their members, thus allowing them to offer information and
receive feedback from their colleagues in the community (Swales). Discourse communities also
feature specialized genres, specialized vocabulary, and writing standards. Notably, anime occurs
as a popular discourse community that revolves around a characteristic Japanese animation.
Anime is divided into merchandise, theme songs, music, and television shows.
The anime discourse community is founded on a group of anime fans distributed across
the globe. The discourse community unites individuals who love watching anime. Hence, the
discourse community features a diverse population of anime enthusiasts in terms of ages, ethnic
backgrounds, nationalities, religion, gender, and gender orientation (WhatSssupAnime). The
anime discourse community is driven by the major goals of uniting diverse world's population
and increasing their knowledge regarding their world. Anime utilizes a comical genre in
educating people on self-improvement strategy. The anime pieces are designed in a manner that
allows viewers to become better people. Although anime contents are primarily available in the

Surname 2
Japanese language, English subtitles are added to allow non-Japanese speakers to understand
their contents. On the Reddit page, the "Kaguya-sama," "Goblin Slayer," "Hunter × Hunter," and
"Danmachi Sword Oratoria" videos are available in Japanese audio and English subtitles
(AnimeMod). Furthermore, English speaking voices are integrated for different characters to

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