Auburn University Everything You Need to Know About Hypertension Presentation

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Business Finance

Auburn University Main Campus


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Public Health

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❑Hypertension refers to a condition where the pressure of blood
against artery walls becomes too high.
❑People may experience the condition for years without exhibiting

❑Individuals already diagnosed with hypertension receive further

recommendations from their physicians about more readings.

WHY hypertension is a PH issue

WHY hypertension is a PH issue Cont.
❑According to the World Health Organization (2019), a projected 1.13

billion individuals globally suffer from hypertension
❑Hypertension may lead to seizures, which may cause loss of sight

❑The currency of hypertension is different within-country earning groups.
❑Who are most vulnerable
❖Individuals residing within the middle- and low-income states

❖One in four men and one in five women suffered hypertension in 2015

Importance of Addressing Hypertension
❑Hypertension still is the reason for many non-communicable illnesses
that result in mortality rats globally.
❑Poor regulation of detected ...

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