University of Chicago Policy Make Letter US Immigration Policy Paper

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University of Chicago


my topic was immigration policy, why it should be changed and the benefits immigrants they bring to the economy. will provide more information to the writer. You must provide a citation and they must be from reputable sources about the issue

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d১১l8I Due Nov 13 by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting an external tool Available Aug 22 at 12am - Nov 13 at 11:59pm 3 months Policy-maker Letter One of the overarching themes of PSCI 2306 is the division of policy-making power among the various branches and levels of government. Another is the importance of representation and having a government that reflects the will of the people. This assignment requires you effectively demonstrate core competencies of critical thinking, communication, social responsibility, and personal responsibility within the context of civic engagement in the U.S. political process. In this assignment, you will 1. Identify a current political issue that affects you and your community. 2. Educate yourself about the issue by reading at least three articles from reputable news sources about the issue. 3. Determine which policy-maker is in the best position to represent your interests with respect to that issue. That could be your representative in the U.S. House of Representatives, your representative in a state legislature, or some member of the executive branch. The key is that you identify a person who has some policy- making authority with respect to the issue you have chosen and a person who might listen to your position (for example, choosing your own representative to the U.S. House rather than some other representative). 4. Draft a letter to your legislative or executive-branch policymaker in which you 1. identify yourself as one of the politician's constituents; 2. identify the political issue about which you are concerned; 3. clearly state a position on that issue (what should the policymaker do or not do); and 4. provide an explanation for your position that will persuade the policymaker to agree with you. 5. After you draft your letter and feel comfortable with both the content and format of your letter, submit the letter as the body of an e-mail addressed to your policymaker. You will turn in 1. a .doc, .docx, or .pdf version of your letter; and 2. a .doc, .docx, or .pdf document listing the three or more articles you read; and 3. a screenshot (.jpg, .png, .pdf) of a sent e-mail to your policymaker
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Kindly find attached the final copy of your assignment ahead of the deadline. Please review and complete. Thank you


Policy-Maker Letter: the U.S. Immigration Policy
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliations




Denton, TX
(Phone Number)
(Email address)
Date [Insert Date]
The Honourable________________
House of senate
Texas, TX 77026
Dear Senator___________:
As one of your constituent, I am writing to urge you work towards the timely support and
passage of comprehensive immigration reform legislation as it provides hard-working
immigrants with a pathway to earning citizenship, protects families and the rights of workers,
and in the same manner protects the vulnerable members of the society. As an American, I
value fair treatment for all people, besides economic growth and security. We need an
enforcement policy that addresses systematic issues like earning visas and citizenship and also
support exploitative business practices. However, immigrants suffer the most due to the broken
immigration system; the system also affects us.
The current immigration system is broken and unjust to the immigrants as it narrowly
provides a path to legal status (Cullison, 2018). Although Immigrants don’t intend to make
Texas their permanent home, they only mov...

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