California University Exploratory Data Analysis of Titanic Dataset File

User Generated



California University of Management and Sciences


Use Titanic dataset from here : perform EDA on various columns. Without using any modeling algorithms, and only using basic methods such as frequency distribution, describe the most important predictors of survival of Titanic passengers, were males or females more likely to survive, were young and rich females more likely to survive than old poor males etc?

Submit your responses in a fully "knit" R Markdown file. Important note: Please make sure to describe your thinking and analysis results in words. NO PLAGIARISM.

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Explanation & Answer

Attached is the complete code.The zip folder contains:1. EDA_Titanic_dataset.Rmd, which is the knit rmarkdown file having entire code and analysis for the questions asked.2. EDA_Titanic_dataset.html, which is the ...

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