SUNY Brockport Abuse in Later Life Discussion

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SUNY Brockport


Part 1: According to the speaker in the Abuse in Later Life video, describe the 4 main components to the definition of ‘abuse in later life’.

Part 2: Based on the article describing the affects of COVID-19 on elder abuse, describe 3 ways the pandemic is increasing the risk of elder abuse, 2 ways providers can use technology to address these risks, and 2 challenges associated with this technology.

Please answer each question thoroughly according to each text or video you must watch. There was multiple parts to question that ask for a certain amount of examples. Answer all please and thank you.

Use multiple sentences. Should be an extended short answer response.

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Abuse in Later Life
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Abuse in Later Life

Part 1
Main components of defining abuse in later life
The video Abuse in Later Life offers an interesting analysis of the various abuse
components in later life. According to the speaker, some of this elements are done knowingly
and others unknowingly. It is essential to notice the features to ensure that the elderly are
protected in society. The first component is physical abuse, where the individual is handled
carelessly. An older adult can be physically abused by being pushed to walk faster or to complete
a particular task that is hard by the caregiver. Sexual abuse is the second component discussed by
the speaker in the video. Here, the elderly can be inadequately sexually handled by the opposite
sex caregiver. It interferes with their well-being when in the caregiving center. The third element
of elderly abuse in the video is neglect abuse. Most times, elderly adults stay alone for a
prolonged time. They have no one to communicate with or ask for assistance, meaning they are
neglected. Lastly, the fourth element is emotional abuse, especially when there is no enough
attention. Usu...

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