Florida National University Nursing Theory as Caring Paper

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Health Medical

Florida National University


Part One

Reviewing the Nursing as Caring Theory, we come to understand that humans are intrinsically motivated to care for others. Based on this theory, how do you provide care for someone who is a criminal that needs care? (Example, a prisoner is brought to your unit for care, after being beaten for molesting a child).

Part Two

The transitions theory incorporates intervention and comprehension of what has taken place. How do you apply the transitions theory to your current nursing practice?

1 page, APA

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Explanation & Answer

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Nursing Theory

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Nursing Theory
Part One. The theory of Nursing as Caring reveals that human nature leads us to naturally
want to care for others, regardless of their orientation; it also asserts that nursing is both a
profession and a discipline (Boykin, 2010). Nurses encounter diverse patients from all manner of
backgrounds and past experiences; in some situations, the nurse may be required to provide care
for criminals, such as those who have suffered physical violence due to their criminal activities. In
these situations, it call...

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