KCCML Exploring Quality Issues with Statistical Tools Converting into SPSS

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Keiser Career College - Miami Lakes


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Chapter 9 - Exploring Quality Issues with Statistical Tools Problem 1 - Chi-square Observed Preimplementation Postimplementation Total Marginal probability Pressure Ulcer 11 3 14 0.07 No Pressure Ulcer 89 97 186 0.93 Expected Preimplementation Postimplementation Total Pressure Ulcer 7 7 14 No Pressure Ulcer 93 93 186 Chitest Chiinv - test stat Chiinv - critical value Total 100 100 200 Total 100 100 200 2.66% 4.92 3.84 Chi-square analysis indicates there is a statistically significant difference in the number of pressure ulcers after the program was implemented. More pressure ulcers were expected than observed after the program was implemented that is the program was correlated with a reduction in pressure ulcers. Chapter 9 - Exploring Quality Issues with Statistical Tools Problem 2 - Chi-square Observed Preimplementation Postimplementation Total Pressure Ulcer 8 6 14 Chitest Chiinv - test stat Chiinv - critical value 92 94 186 0.07 Marginal probability Expected Preimplementation Postimplementation Total No Pressure Ulcer Pressure Ulcer 7 7 14 Total 100 100 200 0.93 No Pressure Ulcer 93 93 186 Total 100 100 200 57.9% 0.31 3.84 Chi-square analysis indicates there is not a statistically significant difference in the number of pressure ulcers after the program was implemented. The number of pressure ulcers expected after the program was implemented was only one less than expected that is the reduction in pressure ulcers could have been due to chance. Chapter 9 - Exploring Quality Issues with Statistical Tools Problem 3 - Chi-square Observed Low-Intensity Rehab High-Intensity Rehab Total Marginal probability Improved 121 143 264 81.5% No Change 22 17 39 12.0% Diminished 12 9 21 6.5% Total 155 169 324 Expected Low-Intensity Rehab High-Intensity Rehab Total Improved 126.30 137.70 264 No Change 18.66 20.34 39 Diminished 10.05 10.95 21 Total 155 169 324 Chitest Chiinv - test stat Chiinv - critical value 31.63% 2.30 5.99 Chi-square analysis indicates there is not a statistically significant difference between high and low intensity rehabilitation. The number of patients expected to report improvement in the low intensity group versus the number observed differed by l 121 observed vs. 126.3 expected. Similarly there were slightly more patients reporting improvement in the high intensity gro expected vs. 143 observed. Differences of this magnitude can be attributed to chance. Chapter 9 - Exploring Quality Issues with Statistical Tools Problem 4 - ANOVA Control MD RN 10 7 5 14 12 8 6 10 9 5 7 6 4 8 11 7 5 9 10 5 6 5 5 7 7 6 4 8 7 4 Anova: Single Factor SUMMARY Groups Control MD RN Count Sum 10 10 10 Average 86 8.60 72 7.20 59 5.90 ANOVA Source of Variation Between Groups Within Groups SS 36.47 144.90 Total 181.37 df 2.00 27.00 MS 18.23 5.37 29.00 ANOVA indicates there is a statistically significant difference in A1c levels acros We can conclude that the difference between the control (highest A1c) and RN is significant but further analysis indicates there is no significant difference betw and RN groups (A1c = 5.90). F-Test Two-Sample for Variances Mean Variance Observations df F P(F
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