AIU International Trade the Recent Trade Deal Between the United States & China Paper

User Generated



American InterContinental University


You will choose a current event (within the last 3 years), and create a power point presentation explaining the event and apply your comprehension of at least one of the subjects you are learning in class that targets the Student Learning Objectives. 

 write a paper about the United States international trade and one of the recent events under this topic was the recent trade deal between the United States and China.

Explanation & Answer:
9 Slides Presentation
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Explanation & Answer

Hello, please check the final document and let me know if there are areas I should address

Trade Deal between the United States
and China
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➢ The

US has been engaging in trade wars with China

➢ The

countries imposed tariffs on imported goods

➢ The

US banned some Chinese products from importation.

➢ The

ban affected economic growth in both countries.

➢ In

June 2020, the US signed a new trade agreement with China


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