COMM 371 Immigration Policy in the United States Discussion

User Generated


Business Finance

COMM 371



Answer question #1 before you watch the preceding videos. Be reflective and honest with your response (500 word min. for all responses combined).

(1) What is your opinion of the immigration policy in America? Why do you feel this way?

(2) Overall, in the last decade, how do you think American perspectives on immigration have changed? Why do you think this has happened?

(3) Why do you feel the topic of immigration is so polarized? (i.e., many people feel so strongly one way or another)

(4) If you had the power to change the immigration policy in America, how would you change it? Why?

(5) Now, put yourself on the opposing end of your previous answers. Why do you think someone else may view immigration differently?

(6) After watching the 3 videos above, do you feel any different than you did when responding to question #1? Why? Why not?

*Once you have posted to the discussion board please comment on at least 3 classmates' post. Since your classmates' post will include responses to multiple questions you may choose which question you respond to. As always, please be respectful and open-minded with your responses.

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What is your opinion of the immigration policy.

Change the immigration policy in America.

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Immigration Policy in the United States
With immigration being a sensitive topic all through history, I can state that my
opinions about immigration policy are strictly positive. Back in history, immigration was
always associated with racism and ethnic differences. Although the association still exists in
the current world, the immigration policy has taken a positive stance by deciding to include
immigrants from all over the world in the list of American citizens. The Immigration and
Nationality Act has issued several immigrants with permanent visas, hereby making them a
part of the United States.
Over the last decade, the Americans' perspective on immigration has improved, and
they view immigrants as people who are worth being respected and treated equally. All the
concepts and beliefs about the immigrants have been cleared. It is identified that immigrants
are as helpful to the system as the Unit...

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