UNLV ELC Corporation Maximizing Profit in Next Production Period Exam Practice

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University of Nevada Las Vegas


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You will have two opportunities to create a model and optimize it.

The ELC Corporation manufactures two industrial-sized electrical devices: generators and alternators. Both of these products require wiring and testing during the assembly process. Each generator requires 5 hours of wiring and 2 hour of testing and can be sold for a $420 profit. Each alternator requires 2 hours of wiring and 1 hours of testing and can be sold for a $260 profit. There are 400 hours of wiring time and 300 hours of testing time available in the next production period and ELC wants to maximize profit.

1. The ELC Corporation manufactures two industrial-sized electrical devices: generators and alternators. Both of these products require wiring and testing during the assembly process. Each generator requires 5 hours of wiring and 2 hour of testing and can be sold for a $420 profit. Each alternator requires 2 hours of wiring and 1 hours of testing and can be sold for a $260 profit. There are 400 hours of wiring time and 300 hours of testing time available in the next production period and ELC wants to maximize profit.

What is the optimal number of generators?

2. The ELC Corporation manufactures two industrial-sized electrical devices: generators and alternators. Both of these products require wiring and testing during the assembly process. Each generator requires 5 hours of wiring and 2 hour of testing and can be sold for a $420 profit. Each alternator requires 2 hours of wiring and 1 hours of testing and can be sold for a $260 profit. There are 400 hours of wiring time and 300 hours of testing time available in the next production period and ELC wants to maximize profit.

What is the optimal number of alternators?

3. The ELC Corporation manufactures two industrial-sized electrical devices: generators and alternators. Both of these products require wiring and testing during the assembly process. Each generator requires 5 hours of wiring and 2 hour of testing and can be sold for a $420 profit. Each alternator requires 2 hours of wiring and 1 hours of testing and can be sold for a $260 profit. There are 400 hours of wiring time and 300 hours of testing time available in the next production period and ELC wants to maximize profit.

What is the shadow price on hours of wiring?

4. The ELC Corporation manufactures two industrial-sized electrical devices: generators and alternators. Both of these products require wiring and testing during the assembly process. Each generator requires 5 hours of wiring and 2 hour of testing and can be sold for a $420 profit. Each alternator requires 2 hours of wiring and 1 hours of testing and can be sold for a $260 profit. There are 400 hours of wiring time and 300 hours of testing time available in the next production period and ELC wants to maximize profit.

What is the shadow price of hours of testing?

5. The ELC Corporation manufactures two industrial-sized electrical devices: generators and alternators. Both of these products require wiring and testing during the assembly process. Each generator requires 5 hours of wiring and 2 hour of testing and can be sold for a $420 profit. Each alternator requires 2 hours of wiring and 1 hours of testing and can be sold for a $260 profit. There are 400 hours of wiring time and 300 hours of testing time available in the next production period and ELC wants to maximize profit.

Management informs you that you have to cut 50 hours of either wiring or testing. Which would you choose?

writing? testing? it does not matter which one is cut? No answer text provided?

which one?

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