Virginia Tech Role of Inter Services Intelligence in Media Discussion

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Virginia Tech


Expand on the below. How is the ISI role in limiting the activity of Journalists through attacks in bullet point summary's like below. Also, find and articles written by Syed Saleem Shazad.

·The Amnesty International has published a documents which seeks to implicate ISI regarding the murder cases of Saleem Shahzad.

·Syed Saleem Shahzad was a renowned Pakistani investigative journalist. His areas of focus were the European and Asian Media. Besides, he served at the Pakistani Bureau Chief of Asian Times Online and at Andirons (AKI) an Italian News agency. On 30th May 2011 he was discovered dead on a canal in North-East Pakistan. Initial investigations revealed that he had signs of torture. This happened a day after he was kidnapped. The Human Rights Watch (HRW), a non-governmental organization that is based in New York, noted that they had strong evidence linking Pakistani’s ISI for being the perpetrators of the heinous act (Perlez & Eric, 2011). The accusation were later confirmed by the Obama Administration which noted that they ‘reliable and conclusive’ intelligence to link ISIS to the killing of Saleem Shahzad. However, Pakistani’s ISI denied the claims and termed them to be baseless.

·Prior to the journalist’s disappearance, Shahzad had informed his friends and colleagues of receiving warnings from ISI at least three times. This was after he published an article about Abdul Ghani Baradar’s capture who was a co-founder of Taliban in Afghanistan. Shahzad was accused of publishing sensitive information on ISI which could have linked the Intelligence agency to partnering with Taliban. It is on this ground that he wrote to the Human Rights Watch (HRW) noting that he might be detained by Pakistani’s ISI. Ali Dayan Hasan a correspondent of HRW conformed that according to the information given by Shahzad he was sure that something was going to happen to him soon.

·The facts were reiterated by Dexter Filkins an American journalist confirmed that Shahzad had expressed fear some days before being killed (Perlez & Eric, 2011).

·Pakistani’s ISI tried to counter the claims by asserting that although they met with Shahzad, they only wanted him to confirms the details of the story he had written or retract

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Explanation & Answer

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How is the ISI role in limiting the activity of Journalists through attacks? A case of
Syed Saleem Shazad

In their line of duty, journalists face various challenges especially from powerful
agencies as they try to regulate the amount of information they pass to through the
media. As they aim to tell the truth to the citizens, they are attacked and intimidated by
these agencies. This because journalists speak of truths that they do not want it known to
the public; truths such as corruption, sensitive information about the government, and
murder charges among others. By doing so, they limit the freedoms and rights of
journalists. Pakistan is one of the countries where rights of journalist are limited.

In the year 2011, Syed Saleem Shahzad, a known investigative reporter for the Asia
Times Online, was murdered for reporting that allegedly the Pakistan Navy was linked to
Al Qaeda and Taliban (Shahzad, 2011). News is that the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)
in Pakistan is the main murder suspects for his death. Although it named the claims
baseless, they have been reports...

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