MBA 5004 Oakwood Strategic Patenting in The Pharmaceutical Industry Discussion

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MBA 5004

Oakwood University



Describe the role of patents as barriers to entry in the pharmaceutical industry. In the current business media, follow up on this and other similar cases involving drug patents to determine the strategies that drug firms are currently employing to maintain their market power. Do you think that the strategies that they use are in line with biblical principles? Evaluate.

APA style

250 words

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Explanation & Answer

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Running head: PATENT DISPUTE


Patent Dispute
[Name of the student]
[Due date]



Pharmaceutical entities face high profile barriers in their entry to the business. The most
significant barrier for the industry's companies is the patent, intellectual property challenges, or
patent laws. The patents are exceedingly utilized by the established organizations as a legal
weapon to shake out the competi...

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