University of Southern California Module 5 Empowerment of Hourly Staff Discussion

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Business Finance

University of Southern California


Considering the topic of service recovery. Think about the empowerment of hourly staff and your experiences either as a guest or a service provider.

How do you feel about the limited empowerment of hourly staff?

In a minimum of 300 words share your experience and how you feel about the limited empowerment of hourly staff. How much empowerment should front line service providers have in solving guest complaints?

To receive full points, you must reply to a minimum of 5 of your classmates’ posts. (Initial post due 11.3; 5 responses due 11/5)

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.


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Share your experience and how you feel about the limited empowerment of hourly staff.
From my experience in the military, organizational success is dependent on the
empowerment of subordinates. Moreover, an effective leader invests more in his people. The
concept of empowerment crossed my mind when I was a battalion commander. Empowerment is
the foundation of executing the mission command lea...

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